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"look i didn't mean to be a kidnapper."

"perfect fucking thing to say to the damn cops!"

jeonghan shoves chans head back into the van and turns back to the officer, "yes sir he is a legal adult."

the officer sighs, "im gonna need all of you to step out of the vehicle." he pulls out a small notepad.

"actually my friends asleep-"

"is he under the influence?"

"nah he just likes sleeping." jeonghan shrugs and the officer rubs his forehead as if he has a headache, and he probably did.


"i hate this place." jeonghan sighs, dropping the towel on the counter and walking around it to sit down at the table with wonwoo and chan.

the three were unlikely friends. jeonghan was outgoing and social (sometimes, he got tired of it too). wonwoo was more reserved and chan was just younger than them.

but no matter what they stuck together, even now. they lived in a small town with a short population and not much seemed to happen in general.

it was boring.

chan had just gotten out of school and he was still unsure about what he was going to do next with his life. he hadn't gotten much of a taste of teen life, with his parents constantly on him.

wonwoo worked at at several customer service jobs while he did college online and jeonghan worked at the cafe. honestly, neither of them liked what they did either.

"make that two of us," wonwoo raises his finger and looks back at his laptop, where he was doing his homework. chan rests his head on wonwoos shoulder, lips pouted.

"hannie hyung can you take me back home in ten minutes?" chan asks, eyes glancing up at the eldest of the three and jeonghan shrugs.

"i should start charging your parents for gas man." jeonghan runs a hand through his blonde hair but nods.

they all go silent, jeonghan on his phone and chan with his eyes halfway closed. the only noise the clacking of wonwoos keyboard and the clicking of his mouse.

"actually.." jeonghan stands and he pulls off his apron. as if he had gotten more energy all of a sudden he runs behind the counter. the apron is dropped on the counter and jeonghan uses his notepad to write something.

wonwoo and chan both look up at the boy, confused. "what're you doing?" wonwoo asks, shutting his laptop off and putting it back in his purple sleeve that he carried it in.

jeonghan slaps the counter, "im quitting." he places the note down next to his apron and opens the register, taking money out. "and im leaving this place."

chan sits up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. he was surprised by jeonghans sudden urgency to leave the town. "wh-what? why all of a sudden?"

"come with me." jeonghan shuts the register and he grabs his keys from his pocket. "we're tired and bored! i think we need an adventure while we're still young." the keys twist around jeonghans finger and he stands next to the table.

"lets go."

its silent for another few seconds before wonwoo starts laughing. "god you're fucking insane.." but then he stands, gathering all of his things. "lets do it."

chan is left sitting in the booth alone and confused. he cocks his head, "like... moving? just leaving? you guys can't leave me! my parents would never-"

"we won't tell them. you're an adult they shouldn't treat you like a kid!" jeonghan rolls his eyes and nudges wonwoo to help him out. the latter only nods and gives chan a thumbs up.

chan sighs and stands, "i swear to god they're gonna call the cops on you."

jeonghan had a van similar to an rv but a lot smaller and not quite as livable. but jeonghan had gotten the van from his parents so luckily, they did a lot of work on it to make it more suitable for living.

so, with this crazy idea in their (jeonghan) heads they started off after stopping at jeonghan and wonwoos places to pick up things.

jeonghan sat in the drivers seat, radio on full blast and windows rolled down. wonwoo sat in the passengers seat, taking a nap despite the loud music and wind in his face.

chan sat in a seat behind them, bouncing his legs and nervously looking around. he felt like he was the main character in an indie film but chan felt like that everyday with jeonghan on his side.

the sunglasses on jeonghans head glimmer with the sunset and they're off to find a better life.


the cop shoves jeonghan against the van, grabbing around his thighs and jeonghan snickers, "ten bucks if you grab the ass."

with a groan the cop pulls away from jeonghan and signs off on something. "you're good to go, try not to get into trouble boys."

"fifteen for pictures!" jeonghan shouts after the police officer as the man drives away. then he turns to chan with a shrug.

it was a great first day.

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