Chapter 18|' You get to be my bitch for the week'|

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Chapter 18|' You get to be my bitch for the week'|

"Hey Ryder," A voice said from behind me as I put my books into my locker.

I plastered a smile on my face before turning around to greet the person. "Hey..."

Oh shit.

"... Ryder..."

Ryder shot me a sarcastic smile. "Cut the act, Holloway." He tells me. "Why did you give Coach that video of me playing football?"

"I- I have no idea what you're talking about." I stuttered. I'm not the best liar.

He took a step forward, causing me to take a step back, my back hitting the lockers.

I feel like I'm in a movie right now.

"Why?" He scowled.

Instead of answering his question, I looked around to see if there was anyone in the hallway. With my luck, it was empty. Not a single person in sight.

"You can play," I tell him, trying not to show how nervous I am. "Our football team needs a quarterback and you are probably our best bet at winning the championships."

"Did you even bother to ask me?" He asked tilting his head to the side, coming closer so that his hands rested on either side of my head and his face was just centimeters from my own. Did all of his friends have space issues?

"That is actually a funny story," I said, laughing slightly for effect.

He laughed with me, but instead of a nervous laugh like mine, his was humorless. Uh oh. "Do tell." He said calmly, but veins were popping out of his neck.

"Uh," I didn't think this far. "Well, you see," I started unsurely. "Sadie and I were filming a video for Coach's class and we accidentally caught you playing some football?" It came out more like a question rather than an answer,which made me look even more guilty.

"Oh really?" Ryder said, twitching his nose, which I secretly found adorable.

Stupid hormones.

I nodded rapidly. "Absolutely."

"I didn't know Coach taught a class." He stated. I subtly crossed my fingers, hoping he wouldn't ask what I think he's about to ask. "What does he teach?"


"He teaches..." Come on, Ryder. "...Videography Programming."

Keep on digging that hole, Ry.

"Oh really?" Ryder questioned skeptically.

I was about to say yes, when he suddenly leaned closer. I held my breath as his nose touched mine.

Don't give in, Ryder. You're stronger than that.

"I was lying!" I blurted out.

I immediately slapped my hands onto my mouth, horrified. Ryder looked very pleased with himself.

I can't believe that just happened.

It was like a dam, it all just floated out. "Sadie told me how Max tore his shoulder during practice and I remember Taylor telling me how good you were when you guys played and I really wanted to beat Lawrenceville this year so Sadie and I recorded you and sent the tape to Coach." I said all in one breath.

I put a hand to my chest, trying to control my breathing. Instead of screaming at me, Ryder smiled. Like a genuine, happy smile.

"You know," He said in a light tone. "You can't lie for shit."

I frowned. Did he really have to rub it in my face? "So you're not mad?" I asked, ignoring how close we were still.

His smile dropped. "I had actually forgotten about that for a second." He admitted. "But now that you've brought it up, you need to fix this."

"What do you mean by 'fix'? What's wrong with playing football?"

"Ryder," He sighed, raising his head to stare at the ceiling. "I know you really want to win this year, but you're going to have to have someone else do it."

"No." I told him.

His head whipped towards me. "No?" Ryder asked incredulously.

"No." I stated simply, pushing his chest so that he would budge. He let me and motioned for me to carry on.

"I didn't go through all this trouble to just give up. I am not going to 'have someone else do it'. No way in hell."

Pat on the back Ms. Holloway.

He looked astounded. "Excuse you?"

"No," I said, suddenly annoyed. "Excuse yourself. Remember that little stunt you pulled a couple of weeks back?" He paled. "Yeah, well so do I. So you are going to man up and put on your big boy underwear. You are going to go out there and practice. And you are going to win that rivalry this year. If not, I'll tell everyone what happened."

That last part was a lie. I would never do that, but Ryder didn't need to know that.

He muttered something and stared at me. "Fine."

I smiled triumphantly. "Great," I beamed, turning to go walk to the class that I was now, late for. A couple feet away, I stopped. "Oh and Ryder," I said in a sickly sweet tone. "This also means that you will do what I say. You get to be my bitch for the week."



I am so sorry about the overdue chapter! I have been super busy and since I haven't gotten a new computer, I've been writing on my phone.
But how was everyone's Thanksgivings? I don't know if I can handle three weeks of school. I have exams the week before Winter Break and I am dreading the science one.

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