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Created by: DespicableMii 2013

All rights reserved 2013.


The relatively unpleasant resonating sound of my alarm clock instantly awoken me from my deep slumber. Groaning in annoyance, I pulled the sheet from over my face but held my eyes shut.

Today starts the beginning of my first day of high school. Yeah, I'm fresh meat.

I don't really like the idea of being, you know, 'new' to a school. Well, technically I'm not new, I'm just transferring to a building of my appropriate grade. I've been going to Bronson my whole life. It's just that I'm going to be in a school full of older kids.

I'm mostly petrified of the severe torment I will sustain from fellow classmates or others. I always get pummeled and abused at school and the distressing part about it is that I allow it to happen. I'm just a frail and pathetic girl whose life isn't idolized by anyone.

 To them, I'm just a piece of scum that can be stepped on and thrown away without a care in the world. I would call it loitering, which is like the humans being the trash and we are just here waiting for someone or something to dispose of us.

In other words, death. 

I'm not sure if I'm delusional or not but people in my school are sadists. Well, at least towards me.

With a mental sigh, I allow my brain to concentrate and attentively open one eyelid. The luminous fall sun rays cuts through my curtains, causing the scullinating sunlight to flare in my eyes. I pull the bedding up over my head to keep it out.

To my dismay, it's not going to work. My brain is on high alert now and already worrying about how I would look for the first day of school.

With the generation I'm living in, it's all about the way look. Otherwise, you'd be the laughing stock of the whole school. I know I shouldn't care what people think and I don't to be honest with you. It's just that I naturally like to dress appealing everyday for my own benefit. 

Not that it matters anyway. I'm still considered a nerd for being smart,  or according to them, a 'shrewd'.

I was amazed they were capable of coming up with a synonym for an intelligent being like me. See? I have a somewhat sense of humor for myself. 

Pulling off the covers, I swing my legs off my bed and slide on my cushioned Monokuma slippers and headed towards the bathroom. And yeah, I wear slippers that are based from an anime I know. So what? Don't judge me.

I did my daily routine of taking a hot steamy shower, combed the knots out of my hair, and brushed my teeth squeaky clean to the point of making someone blinded by the whiteness of them. Swishing some mouthwash and spitting it in the sink, I walked out of the bathroom and went to my dresser for some attire.

I grabbed a black sleeveless shirt that had each face of the Akatsuki members from the anime Naruto, ripped white pants and my black combat boots. To top it off, I put on my favorite skull necklace, black hooped earrings and classified nerd glasses.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied at what I saw. Complete badass.

"Amari, breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom yell downstairs. 


I grabbed my backpack off of my bed and headed down the staircase. 

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a window break and my mom's screeching voice of agonizing pain. In an instant, I hurriedly ran down the stairs to the kitchen and saw a bullet wound in the middle of her forehead.

Blood was rapidly spilling from the hole in her head onto the kitchen floor. I kneeled down beside her and wiped the hair strands from her face. Her eyes that are now empty of life stared at nothing as I silently cried on the inside.

Who could do this?

What sick bastard dared to kill the only one that puts the brightness in my life?

The intruder was still in the kitchen with the gun which was now pointed straight at me. Tears threatened to escape my eyes at my mother's dead body and the predicament I'm currently in. At the moment, I'd prefer to die than alive but then again, I cherish my life.

I was not frightened nor was I was afraid. What I felt was beyond such mere nouns. What I was experiencing was the closest thing to death one can acquire, and yet remain alive.

Choking on tears, I courageously stood up against the gunman, "Shoot me."

He slowly put his finger on the trigger but didn't reply.

"SHOOT ME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

The gun went off and I can feel the immense pain of the gunshot wound in my chest and helplessly watching the gunman running out the door.

Suddenly everything went completely silent. All movement around me slowed down to an excruciating pace. I could feel my pulse pounding through my body, and escaping in torrents through the open wound.

At this moment I felt no pain, I felt no sorrow. I was only amazed by the fact that I was calm about his whole situation.

I looked down at a my hand, and flexed it. I was amazed at how the muscles flexed back and forth perfectly and would soon move no more. I fell to the ground, a dull ache forming in my chest. I still could hear nothing.

I felt the wet hot tears fill up my eyes as I glanced at my mother's body beside me. My throat closed tight and each word pitched higher than the last in an effort to squeak out the words that were bottled up inside me. Finally the tears spilt over and flowed down my face like a river excaping a dam. 

There was so much I had to tell her and now she's gone.

It feels like there's a whole weight on my heart, and I'm just letting them slip away. It hurts even more when I look into her eyes, because it doesnt hold that sparkle or personality it used to have. My heart feels like it's sinking.

Then It feels like nothing's gonna get better and there's nothing to look forward to. Then at the moment I'll think what is the point of living my life if she's gone? I'll get jealous and irritated when I see other people around me being happy. It's like why can't I be happy like that, and how can they be happy at a time like this?

 It doesn't matter because I'm dying also. Hopefully, I'll be with my mom in the afterworld.

With my body temperature constantly increasing, I found myself falling in a deep trance and slowly losing consciousness.

Name: Amari Reese Coleman

Age: 21

Birth: October 31st

Appearance: Long curly blonde hair to the middle of her back, blue eyes, petite figure, and looks like a teenaged girl.

Personality: Blunt, Independent, Intelligent,  Humorous (At times), Good Listener, Mature, Loyal, Obedient, Trustworthy, Patient, and Strong-willed.

Family: Gabriella Coleman {Deceased}

Clan: Unknown

Village: Unknown

Kekkei Genkei: Unknown


Thanks for reading the Prologue for The Black Veil! This is my second story that I am writing about Naruto!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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