happy birthday!

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Seulgi got the news that he was already on his way to the venue of the Golden Disk Awards before she exited the dorm, dressed warmly in layers because of the cold winter wind. Covering her face with a cap and mask, she entered her manager's van, and were on their way to his apartment.

"He will be surprised, right?" Seulgi asked her manager, scrolling through her phone looking for some decoration ideas.

"He's bad at expressing himself sometimes, but I bet he will," her manager chuckled, looking at Seulgi beside him.

She got her manager's help to carry a few boxes up to his apartment. Entering the password with ease, she unlocked the door and was greeted by 4 cats who stride to the entrance of the door. Smiling, she kneeled down and petted the oldest cat, Nora.

"Oppa, you can leave the boxes on the floor! I'll text you tonight," Seulgi said, standing up.

The manager nodded and swiftly closed the door, leaving Seulgi alone in the apartment, and perhaps the company of 4 nonchalant cats.

Seulgi put her bag down and unravelled the scarf that was around her neck. Taking out her coat and dumping it on the couch, she was ready to begin this surprise for him.

The boxes contained all the materials Seulgi needed. She had balloons, strings and streamers and a ton of miscellaneous items. She wanted to decorate his minimalistic apartment as much as possible, but also not being too over the top, and to make it something of their taste.

It was the first time Seulgi ever planned something like this. Doing everything single-handedly herself, she was excited for him to come back and spend this very special day with him.

Seulgi's also got a few photos printed out. Many of those taken of each other with a film camera, but rarely together because they always forget to. There was an instance where they had travelled to Jeju-do together, secretly, just spending the day sight-seeing, taking photos, admiring sunsets and sunrises.

Just looking at those photos brought a faint smile to her lips. Memories came pouring in, and she wondered how she'd grown to love this man that was trying to impress her with backflips and stunts on the show they had appeared together in back in June.

She chuckled silently to herself, and got up on her feet to string the photos together, creating a mini photo wall in the living room.

Seulgi finished just in time to watch the awards ceremony on TV. Sniggering when the boys walked out dressed in various cosplays was such a fresh idea, reminding her of SM Halloween parties. She sprawled on the couch lazily, returning back to her phone when the TV wasn't showing the boys.

Maybe this break she got was a blessing in disguise. She got to spend New Year's with her family, sufficient sleep, and now she was able to rest in the comfort of her boyfriend's home, watching his performance on television as he continued to work hard. She wanted him to rest too, but it was inevitable since his schedules for the year was already jam-packed. She just hoped that this surprise would loosen him up a little and make up for the time they'd lost.

Jaebeom, on the other hand, had a small celebration when his members surprised him with a cake, just when he was removing his face makeup. Doing a brief group hug, Jaebeom shared his aspirations and visions for the group in the year, while the rest encouraged one another, wishing the best for everyone's own happiness and strength.

"Hyung, what are you doing tomorrow?" Yugyeom asked out of curiosity, thinking how he would spend his birthday.

"Sleeping..." Jaebeom shrugged nonchalantly. Seulgi had lied to him that she was busy. Not that he was complaining anyway, birthdays were just like any other day to him.

He was on his way back when he texted Seulgi to ask what she was doing. Getting a reply almost instantly, she said she had just finished watching a drama. The clock had not strike twelve yet, so he was already expecting himself to not stay up for his birthday.


Keying in his password at the door like a routine...

"Surprise!" Seulgi had bursted in front of him, smiling while holding a cake. Her eyes glittered, candle flames flickering under the darkness.

Seulgi laughed at his reaction-- he was at a loss for words, mouth agape, staring at Seulgi intently before a smile broke out on his lips.

"God... can't believe you fooled me," Jaebeom chuckled intently. He closed his eyes for a moment, making a wish before blowing out the candles.

He turned on the lights located at the walls beside the entrance before wrapping an arm around Seulgi's shoulders. He had missed her like crazy, like a lovesick fool as always. Seulgi placed the cake down on the dining table delicately before her hands lingered to his, interlocking and she pulled him to the living room.

"You made this? All by yourself?" Jaebeom asked, glancing down at Seulgi leaning on his arm then back to the wall-- filled with photos of their many secret dates since 4 months ago.

Seulgi could only grin, taking note of his side profile as he looked mesmerised by all the photos.

He took a photo of the wall, picking out a few so he could paste it on the wall in his studio. After all, she was his muse. It'd definitely help him in writing some more love songs. Quietly, he planted a kiss at the top of her head, thanking her for all the hard work she'd put in just for him.

They spend the rest of the night cuddling on the couch, a netflix series playing on the TV served as background noise. The cake was half-eaten as they talked about the past week, catching up on small little things, being a part of each other's lives despite not being physically there at times. They had matching pyjamas, the one with checkered patterns on them.

"This is my first birthday with you..." Jaebeom commented, playing with the ends of Seulgi's hair.

"And many more to come! I knew you didn't like anything extravagant, thus I settled with this," Seulgi replied, looking up at him. "And your piercing! Is it still painful?" she gently grazed her hands over the two studs.

"I swear I almost cried," Jaebeom joked. "But it's better now. I always forget that I have a piercing there and would scratch it. Would internally scream though."

Seulgi laughed, before saying, "You're influencing me. I'm thinking of getting a lip piercing."

"I'm sure you would look good in it," Jaebeom assured, caressing her arm.

And they talk. They talk until they eventually fall asleep in each other's embrace and tangled feets. Jaebeom's birthday was made a little more special this year. Because Kang Seulgi was in it. 

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