Prologue 2001-2008
Fast forward 2001 The duel ragings on but her brother joined waiting to know the secret kept. That his adoptive parents kept from him, later to know death the brings. She was a spy in Iraq on a mission wish I could tell what the mission was at last I would love to but I can't. That he has a biological sister that is alive but with the best of the best. The team is Navy Seal Team 6. The location of the base of the team is virginia. Can't tell you where it is because it is classified.If i tell you might danger the team. I am sorry to say but no the base remains to be a secret for the best. However, her brother found the secret before he was supposed to be told it from the book of archangels. That the book told the current archangel who was the next archangel to the throne. Of Jesus christ who was that telling whos souls go to heaven or to hell. That book was the book of life tell who is going to heaven or to hell. Her brother found his sister talking with a fellow archangel say that there is a traitor angel in who ranks getting information to the other side about souls and the aftermath to their destination.
Chapter 1 2009-2019
Her brother got to the Navy Seal team 6 but we were having too much fun so forget to go a mission briefing at 8 in the morning mission that evening no clue where but the mission was going to be at sea no clue why. The mission objective was to find a missing person. That has been missing for about 6 years. But left clues before the person left to explore the ocean than got lost at sea. But was left with a question mark and a riddle with answer. That the answer lead to west of here that leads to a lake. Which the person is at the bottom tied to old boat. Slowing chocking on water and eating a piece of chocolate.