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It's been one month apart from the people I love. Stiles has refused to speak to me in any way, shape, or form. Granted I did kill someone, but I've managed to keep my bloodlust down. In other words, I have to kill something to keep the pent up anger from reaching a boiling point. Deucalion talks about letting me go back, saying that I've made good progress and it shows that I try.

Being apart from Stiles has been agonizing and it a hell for me. I've gotten a few words from him, but it was mostly through Deucalion.

I've just wanted nothing more than to see him again.

"When Deucalion?" I slammed my head against the wall.

"I've been in touch with Scott," he sat across from me. "He told me that if I think you are ready to go back that you should."

"Do you think I'm ready?" I felt my heart pick up at the slightest chance of seeing Stiles again.

"In all honesty," Deucalion bit his lip. "Yes."

I covered my mouth to keep my excitement from being to overly dramatic.

"If you promise me you'll go on weekly hunting trips. I want Isaac, Scott, or Derek to make sure that you're doing it maybe even supervise the first few times. You need to release the predator side of you," he held my hands. "Kayla you are a dangerous being. If not held correctly, you'll hurt someone. Most likely someone you love. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I poured my eyes into his.

"Then I will arrange for Derek to pick you up tonight. You tell your family you went on a vacation with your sisters. They've been out of sight for the last month. If they ask how it was you tell them great. If they ask where you were you say New Jersey. Got it?" Deucalion held my head. "Go get your things packed. Derek will be here in about an hour and a half."

Deucalion stood up, my excitement getting too high for me to handle. I ran up the stairs of the house, my adrenaline pumping. I efficiently packed my belongings away, making my bed, double checking everything.

"Hello?" Derek's voice pounded up the steps. "Kayla you here? Deucalion?"

I pounded down the stairs, thrusting myself into his arms. I started to cry, his arms wrapped firmly around me. His beard was a bit fuller, a smile wrapped around his face. Nothing but elation combusted inside of me, my heart racing.

"I've missed you," Derek whispered in my ear.

"You never know the value of family until you're removed from it," I wiped a tear from my eye.

Derek scratched the back of his neck.

"Well Kayla," Deucalion took his hand in mine. "I've told Scott your arrangements. Weekly hunting trips will be planned to let the aggression out. I expect a full report from any one of you boys after it. You'll do great, Kayla."

I grabbed my bag in my left hand, a smile plastered onto my face.

Derek accompanied me out to his Hatchback, tossing my stuff in the back. He handed me my phone, which had millions of texts from that one night.

The night I killed Jennifer.

It still hadn't sunk in that I had ripped the life from a breathing person. Granted she deserved her death, but it still felt wrong to have mauled her, practically ripping the life out of her like a rag doll.

Derek pulled away, the radio playing a dull tune.

"How is he?" I bit my lip, knowing it was wrong of me to ask.

Derek sighed.

"He's heartbroken. He misses you. I can see it in his eyes when your name is brought up," Derek was avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're hiding something," I narrowed my eyes at him. "What is it?"

Derek sighed for a second time, contemplating on what he should tell me.

"He's having nightmares. Mostly consisting of you dying or something. I guess after that darkness that surround him and him feeling you die made him hesitant to trust you again. I think he's distancing himself so the both of you won't get hurt," Derek explained, switching over into the next lane.

A silence blanketed the car. I didn't know what to say really and I just wanted to be with him again. It felt like there was a hole in my chest every time I laid down to sleep or when I thought about him.

I had come to the conclusion that it was a hollowness that could only be fulfilled by his presence. The pain that the hole in my chest grew the longer I had stayed away and the pain had gotten unbearable. Just being around him, hopefully, would make it all go away.

"You mean that he actually missed me?" I felt a sudden spark of hope in me.

"Yes," Derek turned up the radio. "Now get some sleep. You're meeting with Scott in the morning."

"How is he? Is the Alpha title suiting him?" I blurted.

"Yes and no. He's having some trouble but it will all work itself out," Derek was short and simple. "Get some sleep, Kayla. I'm taking you back to my apartment for the night."

I nodded, knowing Derek wasn't much for conversation. I took a peek at my phone, seeing several missed calls and texts. Before I even had a chance to look through them, I got a message.


I heard you're on your way back. I hope you're doing okay. Everyone is sort of losing their minds.

I knew Derek was hiding things.


On my way home. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. I'm ready to cry when I see all of you. Tell Stiles that I miss him.

No response.

My phone beeped again.


Heard you're coming home right now.


I'm on my way.


I'll see you tomorrow then.

He was mad at me still.



I curled up in the side of the chair, hoping that maybe tomorrow I'd get to see him and that he wouldn't be mad.

I would have to play Russian roulette and I wasn't sure whether or not I'd get burned.

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