Random facts, 1-15

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1. If you placed every planet in our solar system, including The Sun, inbetween the space between Earth and the Moon, there would be room left over.

2. The entire worlds population can fit in Los Angeles.

3. There are only two countries on Earth where you cannot buy Coca-Cola, North Korea and Cuba.

4. If we were still going by the Roman alphabet and naming customs, then the letter 'J' doesn't exist and if you are a "Female" then your name has to end with an 'A', if you are a "Male" then your name has to end with a 'Us'. Eg:) Jake - Akeus (ache-us) or Jane - Ana (but if you're a guy with that name, its anus lol)

5. A singular strand of spaghetti is called a "Spaghetto".

6. In order to keep Nazi's away, a polish doctor faked a Typhus outbreak. This saved over 8000 lives.

7. IKEA is an acronym which stands for Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd, which is the founder's name, farm where he grew up, and hometown.

8. Falling in love has a similar effect to getting high on cocaine.

9. The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950's.

10. No one born blind has ever developed schizophrenia

11. Phobias may be memories passed down through generations in DNA, according to a new research.

12. Research found that kids aged 4-6 years old perform better when dressed as Batman.

13. People who are blue-eyed are found to be more tolerant to alcohol

14. Scientists discovered sharks that are living in an active underwater volcano. Divers cannot investigate because they would get burns from the acidity and heat.

15. (And finally) Antarctica is the worlds largest desert. It never really snows or rain, does it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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