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"Miss? Miss!" The brunette woke up from her long slumber, and she was in another place which made her pull down her baseball cap. Her eyes bloodshot red from the quiet sobbing she had been doing by the seat she was in beside the window. She abruptly got up from her seat, avoiding the weird looks she earned from the conductor of the bus. She made her way up to the payphone, and pushed in the slot hole her remaining coins left in her pocket. She released a breath of frustration when no one picked up, and heard that she went straight to voicemail instead.

"It's me, Camila. And I haven't got much time but, I'm back and I need your help. I'll be waiting for you at our old hang out." The brunette shuddered at the chilly breeze that passed from where she stood and slammed the phone back when her time was up. She started to walk where there was light emitting from a small building, and hugged herself trying to warm herself up. When she stopped in front of the building, noticing it was a convenience store and she didn't hesitate on going inside. "That'll be 8.25 dollars." She looked through her purse and found that she only had 5 dollar bill left. "I-I've got no money left but is it okay if I just take the water?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I already had it scanned, but if you can't pay for it then I'm going to ask you to—" The woman stopped talking only to look at her face which took her a good minute before realizing who the brunette was. "C-Camila?" The brunette looked up only to see one of her old friends and surprise was written all over her face. "Normani, it's so nice to see you again."

"You too, are you here on a vacation or—?" She stopped again to take notice of the Latina's purple-ish area on her cheek when light hit her face. Camila noticed her stare at her but only remembered the damage he left on her face and she bit her bottom lip nervously. Fear was evident in her eyes. Involving anyone else would put her in a tighter situation than she already was in. "W-Well, it was nice seeing you. I'll get going." She stumbled back from the counter and rushed to get out of the store. Intentionally ignoring the calls of her friend who was chasing after her, but she started to sprint farther away from her.

The brunette kept walking for 2 hours reaching the old ice cream shop she used to go to with Ariana, but it was already out of business for what seemed like a long time. The evident broken windows of the shop somehow made way for her to go inside to one of the hole that was by the other side and the door was boarded up with planks of wood. She wrapped her arms around herself trying to warm herself up and decided to sit by the corner to take a quick rest before she could meet up with Ariana.

The next day, the brunette went by the building and waited for her friend to see her. She had dusted herself off not expecting so much dust to stick on what she was wearing and she looked around to see cars pass by the building until one stopped in front of her. Her whole body froze thinking it might've been chased by him all the way to her old town, but all her fears vanished when she saw the face of the person as they got their window down. "You really have to give me calls in the morning and not at night. Get in. You and I, have a lot of catching up to do."

She climbed in the front seat and looked at her Italian friend who seemed to have changed so much in just a couple of years. Her eyes couldn't believe how much the town had changed and she smiled happily appreciating the way some stores didn't change. "So, are you going to tell me what happened this time?"

"H-He found out about (Y/N)."

"Camila, you've been talking to her!?" Ariana asked in a surprised tone since everyone in town pretty much knew who (Y/N) was. They all knew that (Y/N) was nothing more than a problematic girl who did nothing but, blow off her parents' money whenever she wanted by throwing parties and always used it to avoid the law. "No, it's been years. You remember the last time we all saw her."

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