Chapter 1~ Intro

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I woke up inside of this strange room.
"Where in the hell-" You say to yourself just as you hear another voice
"HELLO? Is someone there?!" A voice came from a locker, sounded like a boy my age. I open the locker and the boy falls on top of me. A slight blush forms on my face
"S-sorry" the boy says. He stands up and holds his hand out "I'm Shuichi Saihara, The ultimate detective"
I shake his hand and reply "I'm F/N L/N, The ultimate Hypnotist". We stop shaking hands and Shuichi looks confused.
"Should we look around?" Shuichi says while smiling
"Might as well" You say as you adjust your outfit

"Should we look around?" Shuichi says while smiling"Might as well" You say as you adjust your outfit

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(Your outfit looks like this)
You start to walk around and you 2 decide to split up. You turn left and walk into a room where you meet this long pine green haired person.
"Uh H-Hello?" You stutter
"Oh, why hello there" the boy says. You walk up to him and say,
"My name is F/N L/N, The ultimate Hypnotist."
"Kehehe" the boy chuckled "I'm Korekiyo Shinguji, the ultimate Anthropologist"
"That's really cool!, Well I'm gonna go meet other people, See you around Korekiyo" I say as I walk away

                     Korekiyo's POV
He smiled as she left the room. He thought to himself, shes kinda cute but we just met.

 He thought to himself, shes kinda cute but we just met

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(What you looked like pregame)

                             Your POV
You enter another room and see 2 tall men, one with purple hair one with green.
"OH! Hello there! I'm Kaito, the ultimate Astronaut!" Kaito shouted excitedly.
"Oh and um.." the other boy stuttered "I'm Rantaro Amami, I cant remember my ultimate talent, but I promise, I ain't no bad guy". I stood there for a second but finally responded.
"I'm F/N L/N, The ultimate Hypnotist"
"Yep, anyone" You say blushing from embarrassment
You all met up in the gym after you met everyone. And that's when 5 bears popped out and told us, we weren't just in a school for juveniles, this was a killing game...and we had to kill to survive.
Authors Note: This is a key for the whole thing
F/N is Your first name
L/N is your last name
H/C is your hair color
H/L is your hand length
E/C is your eye color
And H/T is how tall you are if there are any more of these I will be sure to make another key!! UwU~The Author

~Tied Together~//A Korekiyo x reader story//🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now