Stay Forever

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  Chlammy checked her phone again, she forgot how many times she had checked it already. The stars twinkled in the sky, the moon was full and shining, but the only light she felt came from her phone. She clicked her tongue, tck, no new notifications or at least none she cared about; however she didn't tuck her phone away in her pocket, she leaned on the balcony, continuously refreshing for new notifications. 

  The device that held all her attention made her unaware of the door opening. The elf noticed Chlammy and a bright smile formed on her face, she quietly made her way to the balcony, and wrapped her arms around the clueless girl. Chlammy lifted her head, her eyes meeting the elf's, a slight smile crept its way to her face. Her demeanor was calm, but the way she hugged the elf gave away her longing.

  "Fi, where were you?" Her voice was quiet as if others were near by and if she was too loud they would hear.

  Fiel glanced around for the invisible audience scaring Chlammy, but she failed to feel any spirits near and nothing was to be found. She let her attention fall to the girl in front of her, her usual tranquil smile taking place, her heart felt at ease, and everything else about her started to become as tranquil as her smile. "I'm sorry, so many of the elves just wouldn't stop pestering me."

  Chlammy let out a long breath, it was always the other elves, always work, always something, to say the least it was starting to annoy her more and more as it happened more often. Fiel kept her smile, but the same tranquility vanished, "Chlammy..." she sighed, "I know you want to spend more time together, I do as well, but work is something we all have to do at some point." Chlammy didn't seem to budge, her same cold face trying to hide her disappointment. "If it makes a difference, I have a break tomorrow, so we'll be able to be together all day!" 

  Fiel dragged out the 'all' as much as she could to see if Chlammy would finally smile, ever since Fiel started working to make sure her and Chlammy could have the best life they could, she had been away more. She never said a thing, but she hated it more than Chlammy could imagine, yeah she could just use the money left from her parents, but it didn't feel fulfilling to Fiel. Fiel let go and say on the edge of the balcony, the night sky reflecting in her eyes. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

  Chlammy leaned against the balcony again, her chin resting in her hand, "Yeah." Her answer was emotionless and dull, just like when she was playing games with others. Fiel's smile faded, losing hope of being able to reassure Chlammy everything was okay.

  "Fi?" Fiel stared her friend straight in the eyes, causing Chlammy to gulp, "Do you... think we could sleep together tonight?" A huge smile was on Fiel's face as Chlammy added, "Like old times."

  Fiel hopped down and took Chlammy's hands in her own, "Of course!" Fiel had so many ideas flood her mind and some came out as rambling, "We could go to that cafe we love so much tomorrow, or maybe a movie, or-"

  Chlammy chuckled, she loved to hear Fiel's happiness flow into her words, "That all sounds lovely Fi."

  Fiel hugged Chlammy close, finding it difficult to hide her joy, "I love you Chlammy..."

  Chlammy's face red, but now she was probably more red than a tomato, she hid her face in her turtle neck, "I love you too, Fi."

  That night Chlammy huddled as close to Fiel as she could, sleeping soundly through the night.

Author's Note

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I missed Tuesday, but that's why I'm posting the one-shot early. I want to work on the next chapter for All Hail the Dark Queen and make it a nice chapter! I hope you enjoy though, it's pretty short, yeah, but I thought it would be nice! <:3

Stay Forever | Chlammy x Fiel (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now