Chapter 1

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Talon Skye had managed to survive to adulthood...somehow. His mom told him that she had broke things off with his father for their own safety, before he was born. It was unfortunate that a drunk driver killed her while she was driving with Talon in the back seat on their way back from his 12th birthday celebration. They had driven all day to see this particular wildlife sanctuary that Talon had been eager to visit for many months. If she had given into his pleading to let him sit in the front seat he would have died with her.

But she insisted he did not get to sit upfront until he was 13 years old. To which that choice had saved him his life on that fated night. He got put into the system and managed to stay with one foster family through his teen years. The once thought infertile couple finally had a son when Talon turned 16. He figured he was gonna be shipped out. But that wasn't true. They let him stay and although he never accepted their offer to adopt him, he was grateful they made him feel like he had a family and a home. One that he could return to if he desired.

But that wasn't Talon's way of doing things. At 18 he aged out of the state system and moved out on his own. When his former foster mom would send a happy birthday card to him he would send her back a thank you letter and let her know he was fine.

He got by finding jobs of all sorts. Even took on some trading schooling in hopes of finding out what he wanted to do in life. But nothing ever felt right.

He was 24 years old. Having been on his own for six years he wasn't sure what to do next when a phone call came. The company name wasn't familiar to him but he answered it anyway.

"Hello, this is Talon Skye. Who am I speaking with?" On the other end was a receptionist for a company called Abstergo. They were interested in offering him a job that he needed to come in and interview for. At first he thought it was a prank call. He didn't recall submitting to go to a tech trade school named Abstergo.

"How did you get my number?" He asked to which the reply came, "We have a subcorporation that you applied for to pursue a technological advances training. You are exactly we have been looking for. You will be nicely compensation for your time. More so if you willingly take the job offer."

"What's the job?" Talon asked and thrle receptionist said, "I am not at liberty to say. Come in and everything will be explained to you."

Talon thought for a moment then said, "Sure, no harm in coming in to learn more. Where is the facility?" He asked. And it was soon after he found himself on a all expenses trip paid to fly and meet a particular representative of Abstergo and what sort of job they had to offer him.

. . . .

Devyn Harris didn't have any memories of life before Abstergo ostensibly adopted her. To be honest, she didn't ask many questions about it either. For as long as she could remember, everything in her life was geared towards preparing her for her future. Her purpose.

As a little girl, she would sit on Dr. Vidic's knee as he told her how special she was. One day, she was going to help him save the world from itself. She had been born to do this. And so she trained, in every sense of the word. Daily sessions in gymnastics, CQC, fencing... By the time she was a teenager she was fluent in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Mesopotamian, and a long list of European and Middle-Eastern languages. It wasn't easy, but ultimately, she excelled at everything they put in front of her. And because of that, life was very good for her.

Eventually Devyn's training sent her off the grounds of the facility and into the outside world. Surveilling targeted individuals in public, infiltrating social circles, and of course, your good old fashioned breaking and entering. In the beginning, there were a few instances where Abstergo had to send a representative to the local precinct to bail her out. There were other instances where they simply let her go to juvenile detention so that she could learn to handle herself in a truly hostile environment. Again, she showed that she was able to persevere and impress at every opportunity.

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