More than just friends

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super duper short drabble thing i found in my usuk folder that i wrote forever ago

ill probably edit this later when im not as tired
sorry for any grammar mistakes

They are best friends. They do everything together. They eat, drink, play games and sleep in the same house. They wouldnt be anything without each other.

It was Arthur who started it.

He always knew that he liked Alfred. At first, just as a friend. Just being around him made his chest feel funny, but as an eight year old child, he didnt understand what it meant. As he grew older and reached his twelfth birthday, he thought that maybe it was just a puppy-crush. Something that wouldnt last long and wasnt serious. But every time Alfred accidentally brushed his hand or was paired with him in class, the feeling got stronger.

Alfred fell next.

Every time he saw Arthur in the morning in only a pair of pajama bottoms, or every time he saw Arthur's smile when he had accomplished something, his heart felt.. weird. He never felt like this towards other people. But he just brushed it off as hormones.

When Alfred and Arthur figured, hey, we're best friends, we both go to the same college and we are old enough, why not get an apartment together, they both never thought that it may grow into more than being just best-friends. 

They are best friends. They do everything together. They eat, drink, play games and sleep in the same house.
And they wouldnt be anything without each other.

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