Flying Bandits

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Inside of the Sadida Palace, a mass of Sadida People watched as Yugo, Adamai and Alibert spoke with Okaheart and Amalia.

Yugo: "The Dofus is on an Island in the Crimson Claw Archipelago. Y/n says that place is extremely, especially for a Suit like him, but I promise we will be as fast as possible. The Archipelago may be on the other side of the world, but with a few Zaps it shouldn't take long at all."

Yugo said with a smile, while Adamai was the opposite of happy.

Adamai: "Can anyone tell me why you're going off to save our people and I'm stuck here playing Super Nanie?"

Adamai said with annoyance as the Baby Grougaloragran sat on his head.

Oakheart: "Because you're the only one strong enough to contain this little monster, Master Adamai."

Oakheart said as he pet Grougaloragran, causing the Black Dragon to set the Sadida King's beard on fire. The king quickly put the fire out as he growled at the dragon. Yugo chuckled at this.

Yugo: "Its a shame we can't all go. It's gonna be weird going on an adventure without you Amalia."

Amalia: "Don't worry about me Yugo, being a princess is already an adventure."


malia said before Yugo hugged her and pat his head as a saddened look appeared on the Sadida's face. After a few seconds of hugging Amalia dashed away with tears in her eyes. While this was happening, Y/n stared at the Zap Portal as it was ready to transport everyone to their next location. Soon after that Evangeline walked over to Y/n as he stood there staring.

Evangeline: "You sure about this Y/n? I know how you feel about Crimson Claw."

Y/n: "Well, it's not about how I feel... it's just... I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to fight whatever we find there..."

Y/n said with worry as he held an the 2 of Hearts, Human Suit Spirit Rouzer Card in his hand. Eva noticed this, but decided not to question it.

Evangeline: "Well, whatever happens, I know you'll be there to save our butts when things go from bad to life threatening."

Evangeline said with a warm smile, causing Y/n to smile aswell as he felt some courage return to him.

Y/n: "Hmph, I am going to be the next God Suit after all. You should Expect much more from me Cra!"

Evangeline chuckled at this as everyone began making their way towards the Zap Portal.

Evangeline: "Everyone ready? Uh, where's Amalia?"

Oakheart: "You know that Amalia was never fond of Goodbyes."

Evangeline: "You're right my king."

Y/n: "What about the Stingy Old Enutrof?"

Yugo then pointed only to reveal Ruel teaching some of the Kids how to play Gabbowl.

Yugo: "Ruel! We're Leaving!"

Ruel handed the ball to the kids and told them the secret to success. Ruel then looked around in confusion for a moment.

Ruel: "Wait, where's my Heaven Bag?"

Ruel asked as Junior walked over dragging the bag.

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