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Plz enjoy
P.S this Chapter took me 2weeks to actually think about and 2days to write 😅

I opened my eyes the sun wasn't visible due to the dark room

I was inside some sort of cave or hut and I was wrapped in blankets they seemed to be made out of wolves skin due to their design

I removed the blankets only to find myself naked and it all came to me

The events that happened the night before

🦋🦋🦋🦋12hours ago🦋🦋🦋🦋

And he does the unexpected

He pets my head like I'm some kind of dog or cat

"Tugsjtvnsvtdngndbf" he says some random words and that's what it sounds like to me I think it's another language

"That's so obvious genius"Rita speaks

I roll my eyes mentally of cause not wanting to offend this Greek god

He carries me bridal style and I notice for the first time that the previous man I saw the first time is right here

They exchange words and say something and it seems heated

And I do the most stupid thing on Earth

"Technically it's not the most stupid thing on Earth "Rita spoke and I'm sure she would've rolled her eyes if she could

I yawn and both men look at me ,one annoyed and one amazed

He speaks some gibberish to the other one

And he starts walking I fall asleep on his arms correction on his Rock solid arms

"Lets kill him" Rita spat

Shut up

I awaken when he takes off my clothing in some sort of cave or hut and I try to push him off but he growls

"Told you to kill him"

No need to remind me Rita

He bathed me

And actually forced food down my throat

Guess what, he did all this while I was naked ,naked people !

He carries me to what seems like the bed and once I'm on it I fall asleep once again


I look around the hut trying  find an item of clothing anything infact

Wala found it !

It seemed like a dress and look at that it's prepared for me

"No it's not"Rita once again annoys me

"Rita by the looks of it it's my size and it's in this room so tell me who else is it for" I speak getting dressed and finally I'm done

"Maybe it belongs to the woman behind you"

I turn around only to find a tall woman she had a small smile on her face I looked at her with my poker face and she just carried on smiling

"Let's kill her"Rita growled once more

This time I agree she looks annoying

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