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Jessie pov

It was about 8:15 in the morning when I heard Jacobs scream . I ran to his side and held . He was blabbering about something but he was talking to fast for me to understand him . After i calmed him down i noticed that my mother was gone . So i went downstairs to find Josh playing games on his phone . He didnt seem fazed by the fact that jacob was screaming in his sleep.  I walked towards him and slapped him upside his head .

Why in the holy hell did u hit me said Joshua .

I knew that was Ronnie. If your wondering who in the holy hell is Ronnie. Well Ronnie is one of josh's personalities. Ronnie is the crazy strong one that always get josh into trouble and fights.

Watch your mouth i told ronnie. He ignored me . DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.  I ain't gotta watch shit ronnie told me . Then all of a sudden Jacob came downstairs and smiled like nothing happened.  Then he started screaming again. I tried to move to go see but my head started to hurt really bad . Then my nose started to bleed . Then josh statred to shake like crazy . Then it was silent and dark I passed out .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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