Entry No.1

8 1 0

Dear Diary(?),

Is that how people still start Diaries?
Sorry. I mean I don't know...I'm just supposed to write what I'm thinking right?

Uhhhhhhhhh...I am not going to do the whole "I'm Jacob and I'm 2078 this year" thing, cus boi I don't want nobody to know who I am if this diary gets in the wrong hands.

I guess I'm just going to like, talk about my day? I mean that's what you do in a diary right? Whatever.

My day was great. I guess. Didn't really do much. There was this nice person I met in the elevator today. Made a pretty good joke about how televisions are practically getting bigger and bigger when we already have cinemas. Pfffft. Stupid marketing people.

I'm getting tired. I'll try to keep writing. Hopefully.

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