Engagment vlog.|| pt.1

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'hey everybody , you  are probably used to seeing Taylor do the intro of these videos.Todays very special , I am going to propose to Taylor' she spoke to the camera.'its about time , I feel ready and we are at a very strong tier in our relationship.I will be vlogging by day leading upto the proposal and the proposal itself' he said nervously.He pulled the velvet box out of his pocket and placed it on the counter in frount of the camera,smiling the opened the box and turned it around to the camera 'taylors best friends Gigi and Selena helped me pick it' the ring was a silver band with a diamond heart eoth rose gold jewels surrounding the large heart.Joe had spent 80k on the ring but as an entrepreneur with his own company he would earn those racks every 20 minutes.

'I'm really scared , I'm going to take Taylor out and spoil her and make her feel beautiful and loved then take her down to a resort on the beach and propose.Her friend selena will film her reaction from far away , nobody kno- before he could finish his sentence he heard little knocks on the door 'daddy help me' he heard ivory's voice through the door.He turned the camera off and opened the door to his beautiful daughter.'whats up bug?' He spoke as he picked her up and cradled the small figure in his arms.'I feel like throwing up mama said get me medicine' she said whilst cuddling into Joes warm chest.He stroked her soft blonde locks to calm her.'i will get you some soon but I need to ask you a question' he whispered into her hair.'what daddy' Joe locker the door and placed her on the bathroom counter , he once again pulled the velvet box out of his pocket 'I am going to give this ring to you're mummy later it means she can be with daddy forever , do you think she will like it?'.The energy drained toddler jumped off the country and danced around the floor with the last of the energy she had.' I wuv it mama will too' she said quietly.Joe picked her up and held her in his muscular arms once again 'don't tell mum it's a suprise alright princess' 'yup' she replied mad climbed off of him 'medicine now daddy' she said whilst grabbing his hand pulling him towards the door 'yes sweetie'.

he opened the door and walked over to the kitchen , he opened the cabinet and got some antibiotics out that they previously had for her flu last month.He got a syringe from the cutlery draw and gave her a dosage along with a glass of apple Juice to wash the flavour away.'I'm going to put A film on for you in the lounge and you can cuddle up and watch it ,alright??' He said too ivory who nodded in response.'what would you like too watch?' He asked as he walked her over too the large lounge.'i want to watch 'paw patrol daddy' , Joe put a blanket over her and a few pillows under her head and opened Netflix where he put paw patrol on for the toddler.

Once the toddler was settled he went to check up on his soon too be fiancé who was in bed with their son Sean scrolling through Taylor's laptop.'what are you two doing?' He questioned while hopping into bed next to him 'we are about to FaceTime selena' she said while dropping her head into the crook of Joes shoulder.'shouldn't you be at work?' She questioned confused to why joe hadn't left yet.'taking the day off to spend my day with my lovely girlfriend' he smiled down at the love of his life.'thats so sweet of you but you didn't need to do that' she replied and cuddled into him more 'mummy can't we FaceTime Selena already' the child interrupted their sweet moment.'she isn't picking up baby , she might be on a plane or busy' 'ughhh' he replied and flopped backwards into the bed in a huff.'how's ivory coping?' She asked 'put her on the couch with some blankets and pillows to watch paw patrol
After she had her medicine,she seems to be fine' Taylor smiles at him while linking their ocean orbs 'thats good'.'I need you too get ready missy' he said to the beautiful women on his chest 'why I don't have anything to do' she said furrowing her brows 'I'm taking you out to the mall and some other places because you haven't gotten anything nice or new in a while , you deserve it and I'm in a good mood today' Tears built up in Taylor's eyes , she couldn't be happier to have a soulmate like him.'whos going too look after the kids' she questioned after pecking his lips to thank him for this opportunity.'my assistant Nicole will , she's coming in an hour so as I said get ready' Taylor replied with a smile and got out of her snuggly California king bed and headed over to their en-suite bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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