You Are In Love

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Baekhyun squirmed in his seat nervously as he waited for his date to arrive. He'd been reluctant to accept Jongdae's idea of being set up at first, still too hurt after his relationship with The Fucker ended nearly a year before, even if his heart held nothing more than resentment by that point. Still, knowing all too well that it was time to allow himself to move on, he decided to follow along with his best friend's suggestion.

After The Fucker had very blatantly stated that Baekhyun only ever looked good when he went to work -the smaller was a lawyer, after all-, but always looked like a slob whenever they spent time together, Baekhyun started to feel subconscious and had started to dress better. On this particular occasion, He'd put a lot of effort into grooming himself, taking extra time to choose his clothes carefully since he wanted to make a good impression. He opted to use a long-sleeved button up black shirt and the nicest pair of dress pants he could find in his wardrobe. He'd also re-dyed his hair, since his roots had been showing through the blond, and now he was sporting a honey brown tone.

Jongdae told him not to fret so much over his appearance, stating that his date wouldn't care much about it, but Baekhyun couldn't help it. No matter how much his friend tried to reassure him that everything would be okay, he still felt too insecure. Yes, Baekhyun knew that The Fucker had been an asshole and that he shouldn't pay any mind to his words, but he couldn't help it. Deep down, he figured it had to be true. After all, The Fucker hadn't been the only one to break up with him over his personality or his tastes.

For once, Baekhyun wanted to put an extra effort. If anything, he wanted someone to stay by his side, to love him, to appreciate him, and if to get that he had to go the extra mile with his appearance, then so be it. He would do it.

Too bad that his first fuck up of the night started when he arrived too early to the luxurious restaurant Jongdae's friend had chosen for the occasion. To be exact, he'd gotten to the place thirty minutes before, his anxiety too high when he remembered how The Fucker had thrown it in his face that he'd been late to many of their dates. Baekhyun didn't want that to happen again.

Time went by slowly as he fidgeted in his seat, his fingers tapping the table as he waited. The waiters and waitresses gave him odd looks every time they noticed him, but he paid them no mind. He was more focused on needing for everything to go perfect tonight. He'd rehearsed what he would say a thousand times and had made a mental list of things he should not mention if he wanted to make a good impression.

By the time seven came around, Baekhyun became even more nervous. His date hadn't arrived and, of course, he wasn't expecting for him to arrive exactly at the time, but since he'd arrived so early, he was getting even more impatient.

"Excuse me, are you Byun Baekhyun?" Asked a deep voice next to Baekhyun, making the smaller jump in his seat and almost making him drop the cup of water in his hand.

Baekhyun nodded as he moved to stand up, but the man stopped him with his hand before he took the seat in front of the brunet. "Hello, my name is Park Chanyeol and I believe I'm your date."

The smaller stared dumbfounded at the man in front of him. If Baekhyun had to describe him, he would have to say he was an angel. He was so incredibly handsome with his large eyes and plump, red lips, his jawline and his sharp nose. He was, physically, totally Baekhyun's type. The white dress shirt he was using along with the thick-rimmed, black squared glasses perched on his nose made him look even more handsome. The brunet was breathless. He really hadn't expected for a man like him to be his blind date and he silently thanked Jongdae for setting this up.

Their conversation was strained, though, and awkward. Baekhyun tried his best to make it better, but his nervousness was not allowing him to be as social as he usually was. If anything, he kept stammering, his nerves shining through.

You Are In Love [ChanBaek]Where stories live. Discover now