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And alas! I see you.

Walking in the room

A slight frown in your brow

Says that you're anxious

Looking for me

Coz you haven't laid

Your eyes

On me yet

In the flesh.

A few years worth of conversations

A lifetime worth of confessions

And more.

All on the bright screen

Late at night, under our sheets

And we are more

More that what we know

Or are we?

My heart is wary

Of impending disappointment

Heavier than it should be

More skeptic than I'd like

Afraid of losing you

Before I wholly know you.

...and for a moment

I think of slipping away.



Cutting off all my ties.

Dropping all I have

Ruining all that I've got


Fill your head

With all those doubts

All those questions 

About us

Till I'm dead

With the guilt I'll be carrying 

Till you die

From the inside.

"Will I ever be enough?"

My demons push me off that chair

As they taunt me

And make me weak on my knees

My head's all clouded with my fears

My palms tremble with anticipation

Of that tragic power of kamikaze

Of the disaster that I could unleash

On you, on me

On the fragility that is us.

And I want to give in

I could.

But there I am,

Rooted to my seat

When our eyes meet.

A slight unsureity

Behind those warm brown orbs

And all the fears begin fading

All the insecurities in the world 

Don't feel like much anymore.

And there it was.

A slight calm

Within my chaos.

A little forever

In our miniscule moment

That instant

Where time ceases to exist

And nothing else matters

But you

And me

And our beating hearts.

And as you stride purposefully

Towards my table

Beaming like you've found Nirvana

Roll down your sleeve

And sit down with that, "Wassup?"

I find myself smile

About how familiar it all felt

Because maybe,

Maybe I've found mine.

All For Love - A collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now