Chapter I

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Avon ambled up to the door. She walked into the stable, stroking the dragons as she made her way to the last stall. This was the dangerous one. The dragon in this stall was called Ginger. Her name was not picked because of the light orange of her scales, but because of her fowl personality. The poor girl was small but feisty. Avon had rescued Ginger from a breeder of dragons, the malicious and aggressive kind of beast that would tear up a leg of lamb in only a few seconds. Ginger was used to fighting to get her way, making it very hard for Avon to care for her. The small thing would bite and snap at any attempt at friendship and kick and snarl at any try at cooperation. This afternoon Ginger was to be bathed. Avon had prepared a bucket with a sponge, which was lying at the door of the stable. She had set it up like this every night, hoping that it would work, but then she would go to bed with several extra scratches on her arms and down her back.
"Can you try to be helpful this time?" Avon asked.
Ginger looked at Avon with and expression that said : no. Avon sighed and picked up the dragon. As she expected, Ginger kicked and squealed. The bucket was only a few metres away but it felt like light years. Avon walked slowly and Ginger began to calm down, however she still wasn't happy.
They reached the bucket and Avon lowered the dragon into the soapy water bucket. She crouched down to meet Ginger's eyes. Ginger lay there calmly, not seeming to mind too much, yet. Avon rubbed the water over the beasts scales. They were so smooth and pristine, which surprised Avon considering the place that Ginger had come from. Avon began to sponge her over, slowly and carefully. Ginger was calm and seemed to like it, making a smile spread on Avon's face. She finished scrubbing and sat down, her rump hitting the floor. Ginger looked at her with her large, yellow eyes. "You're kinda cute when you're not trying to scratch my face off." Avon commented. She raised her hand and stroked Ginger's forehead. Ginger nipped her and Avon pulled away, chuckling. She dried Ginger off and put her back in the stall. Avon walked out of the stable, smiling at all the dragons as she left. She needed to tell Sir Axton  about her success.

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