The Academy

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All these chapters are going to be REALLY short cause I don't want to make them long yet.

Chapter 1

“Avalon, I understand that this is difficult for you, but you need to not get expelled this time. This is your fifth school in the last three months,” Ms. Holt tells me.

We sit in her Cadillac outside of a huge gothic structure.

I have taken the rain as an omen. It has been sunny this whole week. Every time I went outside there was not a cloud in the sky. I woke up today, my first day at my new boarding school, to torrential downpours.

I look across the gearshift to Ms. Holt. She has only been in the orphan business for less than a year. She still believes she can make a difference in my life.

I sigh and nod my head.

“Yes, Ms. Holt. I will try my best.” I say this only to placate her. She would go on for hours if I didn't agree now.

She stares at me and purses her cherry red lips. I can tell she is trying to see how much of my response is sarcasm.

Ms. Holt goes with the smart decision.

“I will check in on you in a week.” She turns to the steering wheel and waits for me to get out.

I comply with her wish. The Cadillac drives away, splashing through the puddles. I look up at my new school.

The Academy.

It stands over me like an arch-angelic sentry. The spires reach for the heavens, all the while anchored to hell. As expected of a Gothic building, it has tortured gargoyles hanging from the water spouts.

Geez, this place is really schmancy.


The bellhop/butler guy opens the door to my dorm room. All of the girls rooms are filled up, so I am staying with the boys.

“Your room is through that door and everything is already unpacked, Miss Blaze.” The butler guy bows and leaves.

The dorm looks like a five-star hotel suite – or what I imagine one to look like. There is a kitchen to my left, a living room to my right, and tons of stuff in between.

I grab a box of Cheez-its from the kitchen and walk to the couch. I take a few moments to appreciate the giant TV before noticing the Xbox 360.

A large stack of games teeters next to it. I shuffle through the discs and stop when I reach CoD.

I plug in and lean back into the high-end couch.

A few hours later, I shut off the console and go to bed, but before I do, I write a note for my roommate.

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