What A Day

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(Not sure when i be starting to post but yeah)

Deckard Shaw, Deck for short, he was having a good break from all missions he need to be in, having more time to spend with his, so called new profound boyfriend, Hobbs. Don't ask how they end up together, it just happened. 

He was at the warehouse lying at the couch with Hobbs at the other end until they heard a door slam. He turned around, noticing the familiar figure, it was Owen, his brother, all cranky like a small child. The Dom family immediately took anything as a weapon as precaution, they haven't seen Owen, they thought he was out for revenge or something. 

"Calm Down everyone, he's not goin to blow up anyone's arse right now, let him be". everyone was at disbelief as Owen was walking at a slower pace, as he got near to Deck, Deck got up from his sleeping position and Hobbs moved to another sofa, he knew what and why Owen was like that. As soon as Owen stood facing Deck, he took off his jacket and laid down by him, laying his head on his brother's lap. 

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?" Tej, being all clueless, well, exactly nearly everyone is clueless of what is going on. Hobbs got up saying that is usually a Shaw thing when they get tired, they just do that, only feel safe around each other but never ever interrupt, or they will actually shoot you, or if they're nice enough, they will just threaten you. 

Deck took out his phone, receiving a message form his sister, "Owen there with you?"

"Yeah, instant sleep". 

"He needed it, or I be the one knocked him out". Deck scoffed, as he put his phone away and let his brother sleep his tiredness away, but his lap won't be feeling comfortable soon, but it is what it is..what a day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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