The Tug At My Heart- Chapter 1

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Authors Note!!!

INTO THE UNKOWWWWWWNNNNN. I'm sorry I'm on a high off of frozen 2 mb.

This is an AU... Not sure if it's a soulmate AU but I think it might be oh well. So this is a small project of mine which means there will be slow updates. As with all my fics. I dunno. When inspiration strikes I take advantage of it. I hope you all like this! I originally didn't ship this but after diving into the hole or shinkami fanart, fanfic, and comics I couldn't resist this.

In this AU there is obviously some kind of fate that intertwines everything. It helps you make decisions. When you don't listen to it, it'll majorly fuck up your life. It feels like a string tugging at your chest or a small suggestion. Some even hear it as a siren call.

Here we go.

I can already hear the puns.



Kaminari's POV~

"All I'm saying... Is she has nice tits."

"NO KAMI!" Mina screeched as she thwacked Kaminari over the head with a pillow. Kaminari tried to block the blow only to have his arm smashed against his head. He fell down onto the couch with a soft thud.

Mina sighed and set the pillow again, "Lets try it again." She spoke as she sat in front of him. Her hands folded together as she looked intently at Kaminari.

"She's got a nice perso-" Kaminari began. Mina nodded with a smile, "-ass"

Mina face-palmed, "We are getting no where with this." 

"No no! I take it back Mina!" Kaminari stood up to chase after Mina who was now on her way out of his dorm room. He grabbed her arm, "Please teach me I wanna learn!"

"Well, Kaminari! You'll never learn if you refuse to listen to what I'm teaching you." She stepped out of his grasp and crossed her arms, "We keep going back to square one! Looks are temporary. Personality is forever. You'll get no where in life complimenting random chick's asses. Well actually it will get you some where. In jail with sexual harassment charges." 

"Really?!" Kaminari gasped in shock.

"No not really. Well maybe... But it's a dick move got it!" Mina sighed. She smiled even though she was angry. Kaminari knew Mina couldn't stay mad at him for long.

If Kaminari was gonna get a date when any girls in UA he needed Mina's help. So far he had no luck in the romance department. He knew that had to change at some point. He was destined to meet the perfect woman. He would have the perfect life and family. All he had to do was take Mina's advice.

Mina looked down at her watch and her eyes widened, "Holy shit this took to long!" She screamed and darted for her backpack on the floor of Kaminari's room. Kaminari looked at her in confusion. Mina met his gaze then as if reading his mind she responded, "We are gonna be late if you don't move it!" 

Kaminari followed Mina's lead and grabbed his backpack, swinging it over his shoulder. He rushed out the door. Mina trailing close behind him. He rushed through the dorms and outside. The air nipped at his skin and the crunching of leaves underneath his feet became white noise in the distance. The wind whipped at his hair. There was something magical in the air today and Kaminari could feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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