About This AU Series

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Look, I have a perfectly good excuse.


I actually don't. This is self indulgent as fuck.

Simply put, after writing for days on end for "My Past Is Our Present", "Entry #12050104001305", or working on a school assignment, I get burned out on writing. I've found that, instead of sitting and waiting for inspiration to return, it's easy to just write oneshots. I haven't known what to write for oneshots in those periods of time but I thought "Why not have a feral Brian AU?" So this is where I'll post oneshots for that AU when I'm kind of burned out on writing for my main stories.

I've read a handful of fics where Tim was slightly feral (or very feral) but most of those a) were just angsty, b) were Jam fics, or c) had Hoodie be very dominating with a complete lack of empathy. Most of them are very well written, but I'm sad and need happy content. Plus, I've personally never seen a feral Brian fic so that's what this is.

Aka Marble Hornets made me sad so I'm fixing it. No one dies, happy days for all, and all that good shit.

The idea for this came to me while I was in church and... um... I wrote the entire first oneshot (not the first one published tho) while I should have been listening to the preacher and getting that good salvation but... I mean, according to everyone else, I'm going to hell anyway so... Have some MH gay shit.

This is just a bunch of Marble Hornets oneshots that fall under the "Feral Brian AU" that I've got now apparently. These aren't in any particular order and they don't really equal up to a whole story. I've already got Legend of Zelda and Marble Hornets stories going and oneshots are easy so I'm keeping them (relatively) short so I can update frequently (pffft what even are frequent updates? Never heard of 'em).

What you need to know:

*These are all technically oneshots but what happens in one does impact the others so... kinda like a story? But I'm too busy to make it one so they're just oneshots?

*Brian and Tim are dating and Jay is their third wheel housemate

*Alex is still in college working on a student film but it's got a totally different plot line and it's not called Marble Hornets

*The events of Marble Hornets did happen but no one died. Brian /did/ fall from the ledge but he survived

*Everyone's going to therapy because they definitely need it after going through all that

*I might eventually include some Jaylex content, but until then I'm going to keep it Brim. I'll label each chapter with the ship though to limit confusion

*I don't know, I'll probably think of something later. For now, have some party sprinkles 🎉

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