A toad, a slug, a snake

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For as long as Tsunade had known she was meant for greatness. Her father has said it. Mother. Teachers. The lackeys, as they were often called, were obligated to be nice to the entire head family, but she felt special from their compliments either way. However, she didn't feel special around her youngest brother. He was smarter. More observant. He even had a cooler quirk. Sure, hers is useful but he can understand and command snakes! He even had a few abilities related to snakes! All she can do is heal people and it makes her tired. Orochimaru is her better half, so to speak. Jiraiya, her middle brother, well.... He is certainly something alright.... But he's her closest friend in the end of things. Best friend even.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru all make up the Miyamoto triplets- can't be a triplet without three siblings of course! They were known to be feared for no reason on their part, it was more so their family's fault. Their classmates stayed away from them so they only had themselves; which they honestly preferred anyway. Everyone knew who they were connected to. They may be an old fashioned, very outdated, group but stories never ceased to pass around about the Shie Hassaikai, both online and in real life. Their school life had always been unfavorable because of the family they were born into. Even their youngest sister is subject to this, and unfortunately she isn't a triplet or twin so she is isolated regardless, no one by her side at school to keep her company. Everyone just fears the Miyamoto children because of their lineage, something they have no control over. Do the Miyamoto children care? No, not at all. They are their own company and that is all they could ever ask for.

Tsunade sighed, cheek in palm. She watched Jiraiya do cartwheels across the field outside the school cafeteria, acting a fool like always. Orochimaru sat criss crossed mere feet away from the other, his food in his lap untouched. He played around with his school tie instead. 'Boys,' she thought, 'so weird. So confusing.' Tsunade sat her bento aside, taking a short stride over to her brothers. Orochimaru greeted her with a subtle grin and an offer of the candy he'd packed. He wasn't often a sweet tooth, he mostly had candy stashed away for in between classes since he rarely eats breakfast- he finds it a total waste of time, that and he often sleeps in way too late much to his siblings' and parents' annoyance- Tsunade refused. She couldn't stand the yogurt candies he liked. Jiraiya stopped his nonsense cartwheels to join his siblings, plopping down onto the grass without a care for his previously pristine uniform. Silence stretched between the three.

It was moments like these they appreciated the most. They liked to revel in the quiet together. Jiraiya, sure he loved to talk about anything and everything, but there was just something about the silence that beckoned him into serenity. Orochimaru loved it the most. He wasn't much of a talker in the first place either so it was perfect.

Tsunade was the one to break it though. She leaned in on Orochimaru's shoulder, resting her bony cheek there. He let her do so without a word, no objections passed his lips. "I can't believe we have one more month." The blonde said in disbelief, barely above a whisper. Orochimaru nodded. "Yup. One month to go until we're free from this hell." Jiraiya added jokingly. "Ocho-kun, Rai-kun," She garnered their full attention using their childhood nicknames. She extended her pinky out in front of herself. "We promised to stick together, right?" Jiraiya took her pinky in his own in an instant, readjusting his body so that he was now face to face with his sister. "Of course! Totally!" Orochimaru shifted his head so that his line of sight solely rested on his siblings' hands. "Tsu-chan," He began. "A promise is a promise." He grappled his pale pinky into hers, on top of Jiraiya's tanner one.

Tsunade smiled, not just to her brothers, but to herself mostly. She liked this. Just the three of them together. Against the world.

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