Welcome to watty, Rinchu!

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Star:Oi Narwee


Star:Can you call Rinchu to get her lazy butt over here?

Narwee:Um,sure...I guess?

Meanwhile on Rinchu's room

Rinchu (aka me): *le reading bad end night manga vol 2*

Narwee: *Burst in de door* RINCHU-SAN!!!



Narwee:Gomen,Gomen,Gomen! Star told me to call you, and I have no idea why.

Rinchu: *sigh* You know you could at least knock, it's good manners

Narwee:Gomen! But do you know why did Star have to call you?

Rinchu: Well yeah, I'm starting of as a simple writer, again.

Narwee:WHAT?! AGAIN?! But why again???

Rinchu:I used to be Factzboii24 before, and I want to start over so I can remember my password ^^'

Narwee: w0t

Rinchu: Nevermind that. Alright,time to introduce myself to the readers.


Star: ...hmm...ok....she's going down......ok I'll show the readers to her thanks Twiggy bai bai

Star:Ok readers time to meet the new author..! Rinchu~

*Reveals a girl in a black t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Has short black hair, wearing a panda sleeping mask as a headband and has a palm sized Sealand on her shoulder*

Rinchu: Hi~ =w=

Rinchu:I'm Rinchu, a Filipino that don't really want to send personal info in de internet be coz of dangerous peeps out there. Be safe kids

Rinchu:I also like anime and drawing is my hobby but I'm too shy to show 'em

Rinchu:My anime favorites are pretty akward to me,*whispers* I think I'm unrelated... Anyways...! It's Hetalia, Cells at work, Boruto and Umaru

Rinchu: And I can be a bit lazy so updates might be slow. (Little reminder ^^)

Rinchu:So that's about it. I can tell more but I'm feeling uncomfortable about my personal info. I can be private at all times

Twiggy: Welcome to watty, Rinchu!

Rinchu: Yaay~ =7=

Rinchu: See Ya on next update!

Seventeen: Bai~

(This is too undetailed. But I like vocaloid as well)

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