Lost Inside

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She Was Just a girl .. She had a dream A big Dream That Could change her life A dream She had Kept for many years She always Wanted To Fly She Didn’t have wings But she was A Stubborn Little Girl Or at least That’s How Everyone called her “Little Girl” She was An Angel She had the Most Beautiful Face and Golden Shiny Eyes But the Odd Thing That she had Two Hearts She was Intelligent Pure Pretty Little Angel But that Didn’t help her Archiving the dream .. She was Clever But She Never Knew The Consequences Of Challenging Nature She Didn’t know How Hard and Awful Life could Get ..
But she Kept Facing her Fears She didn’t Care .. She Never Cared ! She was Full Of Life she had So much To Give ! She thought she was Strong Enough She Knew She Could win But She Didn’t See The Writing on the walls Saying that Demons Never Fall That they always win the war ..
She was Just So Alone .. She Had So much Love to Share.. She Dressed Up And Cut her hair .. She Grabbed a Sword ..She thought she had it all ! But It was a nightmare ! she Kept thinking About Being called a Little Girl ..She Wanted To Prove To People She’s Not a Kid Anymore So She Faced What Everyone else’s Most Fear But She Should’ve Proved That To Her self Most Of all .. She Became a Prisoner She Lost One of Her Hearts .. She Became Mortal and It was  the most torture They Didn’t Put her in a cell .. They Didn’t Lock her they didn’t beat her ..She was a Glamour so they Took the light that’s inside of her !

I didn’t mean For anyone to get hurt .. all I did was To have a dream A Dream that Apparently Will Never Become True .. All I Did was To Have a dream Now am Feeling More Alone .. Bitter Like eating a Throne I Shouldn’t have Grabbed that Sword I shouldn’t have I should have thought so .. Now After I Messed it All Up I Got Only One Thing Left To Do ..
I am Totally a Different Person I Know It was a dream .. But this Is The right time To Make it Become true .. I Will Fly !

Now am On Top .. I Can See it all Am so High I Can see the World. Deep In My Bones I know I can Fly .. I Take The First Step Am On the Edge Now I Let My Legs Fall And I Can See My Bare Foot Diving into Space I Feel The cold air It’s So Beautiful How The Ground get Closer. The Air Is Tickling my Fingertips Suddenly the Time Stops I Try To Erase My Wings .. But I Forgot It was all a dream My Heart Bounds My  Ear Rings am Going Down There’re no Tricks .. Stupid me
                                                       I Have No Wings..

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