Chapter 1

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Getting into a university is, of course, very special and exciting. Antarctica was none the wiser. She felt compelled to get her dream career, and possibly have a chance to meet some new people, or even find love. Despite the drive being 8 hours from her house to the university, which was unfortunately painful, she arrived without any basic harm.

Parking at the apartment (she decided to reside off-campus), Antarctica took her luggage out of the car and made her way into the apartment and to room 306, on the third floor. The apartment didn't look fancy, just a regular building full of living spaces on each floor.

Soon she made it to room 306. She knocked to request entry. The door opened, revealing a blue country with an OCD-inducing yellow cross. He still had his pajamas on, but he didn't look tired, so Antarctica could only assume he had been awake for a while now.

"Hello there," the male country started, "may I help you with something?"

"Greetings, I am Antarctica," Antarctica replied, "I believe this is my assigned apartment for the University."

"Oh, you most definently are the new roomate. I was wondering who we were missing."

"Heh, yeah. May I come in?"

"Sure. Name's Kingdom of Sweden, but you can call me Sweden. Come, I'll show you around."

The room felt rather big for maybe just her and Sweden. Then again, he did say "we", so there is some more people. Inside, there were 5 countries, minding their own business.

"First off, this is the Kingdom of Denmark, or just Denmark " He pointed to a red with a white cross flag, like Sweden. "Over there is the Republic of Finland and the Republic of Estonia, or just Finland and Estonia. " He pointed to two countries, one with a white with blue cross and then the other with blue, black and white tri-colored flag.

"That's Norway and Iceland," he said, pointing to one with a red with white and blue cross and then pointing to a blue country with a white and red cross, "and over there is the room you'll be staying at."

With orientation done, Sweden was about to leave when he forgot to say something else. So he turned around back to Antarctica and told what he was about to say.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about Greenland." He stated, pointing to a nearby room, "he's in a mourning state, so you can say hi to him, but he'll be too sad to think straight."

"I'll go say hi to him once I unpack" she smiled, bringing her supplies to the room that was (coincidentally) near that boy Greenland's room. She made sure she was able to unpack as much as she could before  Antarctica had to put the rest in different parts of the room.

Once she found places for her stuff, Antarctica decided that she might as well go say hi to that Greenland boy before anything else. School starts in August (it's currently July) so she doesn't want to waste her time preparing for that. Nothing else was happening, either, so she had all the time in the world to talk to him.

When she got to the door, she took a deep breath, and knocked.

"Go away." A deep voice could be heard. She frowned, but was still determined to greet herself. What a determined dame (woman).

"Hello?" She began, "may I come in? I would personally like to meet you."

"Please leave me alone." The voice said again. Being the determined person that she was, she decided to just go in without his approval.

Inside, she saw a most handsome man what she assumed to be Greenland. He had the same patterns as Poland, but had an eyepatch of the same colors, only flipped to show red on top and white on bottom. He appeared to be wearing a Nordic t-shirt, and he wore black track pants. And he he had been crying for some time?

"When I say 'Don't come in'," he grumbled, " you don't do the opposite."

"Oh, sorry then, I just wanted to say hi..." Antarctica frowned, turning to go back out.

"Don't worry, you can do it now. You're in here already, so it would make sense." These were all the words she had to hear, flipping herself around and walking towards the bed.

"Name's Antarctica," she introduced herself, "if it's easier, you can just say Ant or something," she reached out her hand, hoping he would shake it.

"Kalaallit Nunaat, but Greenland or a different name is much preferable for pronunciation and speech." The man reached out his hand as well, both of them shaking hands like one would normally do.

"How about Green?"

"Sure, and for you, could Arctic work?"

"That's my sister, so if she comes over, it would be very confusing for you and her."


"That could possibly work." Once the greeting was done, she turned to leave again. "See you later,"

Greenland was very confused with himself. Why did I let the girl talk to me? He thought. A smile and a blush crept up onto his exhausted face. I guess that I could at least make a friend. He looked down at his bandaged and bloody arms, feeling like he could make a friend after all.

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