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A funeral was going on in Avalor, a funeral for the grandfather of Mateo, the Royal Wizard of Avalor, Alacazar, a wizard who protected Elena, the Crown Princess of Avalor, when the evil sorceress Shuriki destroyed her parents, and trapped her in the Amulet of Avalor.

In fact, everyone in the Royal family and the people of the Royal Guard was in attendance, including the Grand Council; Naomi, Francisco, Luisa, and Dona Paloma [to replace Esteban after his exile].

Elena and Mateo were standing near Alacazar's portrait on a pedestal, giving speeches about Alacazar, the wizard who protected Elena when she was trapped in the Amulet of Avalor.

Francisco was strumming his guitar, looking sad and depressed, Luisa was standing by him, and sobbing, whilst blowing on a tissue, which had came from Isabel, Elena's sister, who was also using tissues to dry her eyes, which came out of a invention she'd made - a A Tissue Dispenser Pack, made out of an old school bag, an accordian, and some plastic.

And Flo, the living alpacamundi (half alpaca/half coatimundi) model, was trying her hardest not to cry, though she was a happy-go-lucky living model of the Carnaval float she was part of.

Far at the back of the garden, was Gabe, the Captain of the Royal Guard, with a prisoner from the castle dungeon - Carla Delgado.

She had been captured by Elena, after she had disowned her mom, Ash Delgado, who had turned her dad, Victor Delgado, to stone, and abandoned her, along with Esteban, once the former Chancellor of Avalor, the same guy who worked for Shuriki during her reign, and the same one who was now disowned by the Royal Family.

A day or two ago, Elena had a talk with Carla, following the death of Alacazar, and Carla had promised Elena that she would free her dad, and stop her mother, on the condition that she, and her dad [once he was de-petrified] would both face the consequences of their crimes, after Ash was defeated. Carla only hoped that with Elena's help, the consequences wouldn't be as severe.

Per Elena's request, Gabe was standing with Carla, who was, also, per Elena's request, to stay a reasonable distance from the crowd, in case they recognized her as the criminal she was.

Despite being at a distance, Carla could hear the words of the speeches Elena and Mateo were making, in honor of Alacazar. Knowing what her mom had done to Alacazar made her feel like she was to blame for it all - for what she did, and she almost immediately regretted disowning her, but she knew she hadn't a choice, not after Ash had turned her dad to stone.

It made her feel so unhappy, like when she was mourning for her dad when he was turned to stone. Now, she felt that feeling all over again.

"If Papa was here right now, I wonder what he'd think of all this." Carla murmured to herself.

"Well, why don't you ask him yourself?" Gabe asked, motioning to something to the right of him.

Carla looked to where Gabe was motioning, and she saw what she was standing next to: her father, Victor Delgado, who was, thanks to Ash, now a lifeless stone statue, bearing an expression of fear, distress, and shock on his petrified face. He was positioned almost as if he was looking at the funeral himself, and she could almost feel how sad her father would be if he was with her right now, instead of being turned to stone.

Carla put her hand on her father's petrified body. "Papa," she said sadly, "I miss you so much. Every night in that cell, I get more and more upset with Mama for what she's done to you." She glanced back toward the funeral. "I am so sorry for what Mama did to you. I know you tried to protect me; you've loved me better than Mama ever had, even when Shuriki kicked us out of Avalor."

Then, she saw Elena project a light image of Princess Sofia, from Enchancia, the one who freed Elena from the amulet, with her magical powers. It seemed amazing, and impressive, like Sofia was really there at the funeral. However, it didn't take her mind off of what Ash had done to her father.

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