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At yoongi's room

"okay look I am sorry i said that earlier please just dont scold me." while making a puppy face

"its not about that"

"then what?" I bit the inside of my cheek waiting for him to say something

"i just gonna ask you if you mind coming with us tommorow at a tour?"

"i'd love to this is really my dream to go one of your tour"

"one more thing.if its okay if im gonna be introducing you to the army's since I want to clear the controversy well they seen us at the airport and now it's a mess."

"umm...well...yeah okay i dont mind at all"

"okay thank you sis. go pack up your things because were going on the country you visited like how many years ago? I know you miss your friends"

"(your country)?! Your having a concert there?really?!" I had issues here in Korea like bullying and others that they had to send me there for 5 years and visit me from time to time.

Yoongi:yeah i requested this because i know you miss your friends"

"thank you a lot oppa!!.while giving him a hug"

He breaks the hug and said

"go pack up you things now we are staying there for 1 month."

"why that so long?" I wondered

"dont you want it?"

"okay im going now!"

I was really walking so happy while going to my room. Jungkook was sitting on the bead leaning on the bed board watching on his phone and he spotted me. He stopped and took a look at me

"why are you so happy?" He asked

"im coming to your concert tommorow!!"

I squealed and did little jumps because of my excitement.

"im going to help you guys"

"okay im going downstairs now" He said coldly


I packed my things up getting other things from the closets and packing it up my luggage again. Why does he have to tell me when I already unpacked my things.

Jungkook POV
I walked out of the room and head down stairs.and i was like smiling on the way down stairs i sat with V in the dinning table

"what's with the smile?" Taehyung Asked me

"oh nothing?" as I noticed that I was smiling the whole time

"something good happened between you and Min Y\N?" He teased

"she was kinda amusing for me"

"hey shush you two and call all the members and say dinner is ready."

"okay Jin eomma".we chuckled

"call your appa namjoon too"

"your married?!"

"its just armys love shipping them" I said

"YAH!! Go now!!"

"yah yah fine.lets go jungkook" V said and dragged me

V called the others exept Y\N they all got down exept for me to call her on our room.I was walking to our room when I heard loud music blastic through the door.


*knock knock*

"come in its open!"I shouted so the other person can hear

" You can go down now lets eat" .He said with a smile.

"okay im coming" .i smiled back at him.

In my mind He's kinda cute omg he cares for me. Or probably just.....
SNAP OUT OF IT Y\N you are not gonna fall in love with anybody I'll be in big trouble if I do.i sighed

i went down stairs they are really waiting for me nobody was eating yet unless i join them in the dinner table.

I sat between Jimin and my brother while jungkook is infront of me.

I cant eat properly because jimin keeps flirting with me jokingly just to tease yoongi but its not like he likes me its just he wants yoongi to be angry i dont know why they want to keep teasing him.

The whole dinner jungkook kept on staring at me as if he is examining or judging my whole existence here on earth.And yoongi from time to time he was giving him death glares.I just find it funny because I have never seen him this protective L.

When we were done eating i helped Jin  to wash the dishes and the others go up in their rooms and pack up things for tommorow.

When we were done washing the dishes i went in the room me and jungkook were sharing. He was on the closet finding clothes and throwing them into his luggage.

"your not even gonna fold it?" I questioned him

"nah its the same anyways" He grinned

"you know, since I have nothing better to do I'll help you fold them."I offered

" you don't have to like really"He argued back.

I didn't listen and walked up to his luggage throwing all his clothes into a pile. I folded them and put it in his luggage creating much more room for other things.

When i was done packing his things I saw jungkook sleeping already.

"is this boy fr?"yes he is now sleeping soundly on the bed.

I went to the bed and i stared at him for a couple of seconds. His long eyelashes and the hair falling to his eye and the fair skin he has. I took my hand out and took the strand of hair in his eyes because it might irritate him, But I was surprised when he suddenly  pulled me closer to him he was now hugging me and i was in shock , i cant move, my hands on my chest that is the only one keeping our faces from touching. i can smell his strong manly scent mixing with his expensive perfume. I was dumbfounded after a few minutes he loosened his grip and took it to break the hug.

Y\N:what the hell?

I took a pillow and put it between us  then tossed around facing the other direction as my eyes flutter about to fall asleep, i felt a hand hugging my waist.

I was too tired to argue with him and keep his hands off me I just ignored him and went to sleep.

Yoongi POV
"Ugh why cant i just sleep as always?!"

"I can feel it somethings not right." I thought

i cant sleep so i scroll on my phone, in the end i found nothing intresting so i decided to check on my lil'sis and that dork.

As i opened the door i see jungkook hugging her.

I was furious I took a pillow beside the couch next to the door and threw it at his face almost hitting my sister.

His eyes fluttered open and as soon as he saw me his eyes widened and immediately took his hands off and sitting properly.

"Couch. Now."I commanded him quietly to not wake her up.

He stood up and took a pillow and slouched on the sofa down stairs. He immediately went back to sleep.

" gee I don't know where should I put her anymore"I complained to myself

Yoongi as your Brother[JK X READER]✔️Where stories live. Discover now