Troubles at home

386 17 1

(Danielle's POV)




I quickly rolled over and hit the alarm before , the sound woke up "him" and "her". I lifted my feet off the bed, and planted them on the floor and slowly walked to the bathroom, I quickly undressed and hoped in the cold shower.after taking my cold shower , I drowned down two weight loss pills, hoping that they'll actually work,I hurried and put on my work outfit, and stared at my fat, "why won't you just go".I quietly whispered to myself .after I put my name tag on I, quietly walked down the stairs."and where you going." My monster of a step father asked while looking at me hungrily."work" I mumbled

"Come here" he said

As soon as he said that I ran out the door.

"You can run fat ass but you can't hide." He yelled

After I gotten a great distance from the house. I slowed my pace and down and taken a long breath of the cali fresh air.I was right on time as I watched the bus slowly pulled up in front of me " Today's gonna be a long day."

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