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"Hi. I'm Jeff. I'm an alcoholic."

 No duh, Jeff. That's why we're all here.

The people in the room chorus, "Hi Jeff."

"Hi Jeff" I mumbled.

"I am proud to say that I have not touched a drink of alcohol in 3 months. It has been some close moments at restaurants where I'm tempted to order something," He takes a deep breath, " but I've lived. I really want to thank this program for all it's done for me. I know it's..."

Jeff's nasally voice was drowned out by my own thoughts. I took a bite out of the store-bought chocolate chip cookie as memories of the trial filled my head. It concluded only three weeks ago, but the event was fresh on my mind. I could already feel the stinging tears behind my eyes as I recalled the verdict: " Your Honor, we the jury find the defendant-"

"Ma'am?" The group leader, Reverend Hennessy, questioned.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped out of reflex and inhaled the cookie bits chewed up in my mouth. My face turned red out of embarrassment and lack of air as I started choking. Lydia, another member of the AA group, handed me a cup of lemonade and a napkin. Quickly I downed the cup and wiped my face, trying to compose myself.

"Now that that's resolved," Reverend Hennessy continued, "how about you introduce yourself?"

I had barely taken a bite of cookie when he had said that, and the semisweet flavor of chocolate quickly turned to ash on my tongue. I tried to wash the flavor out with my leftover lemonade, but instead of the sweet and sour lemon taste, my taste buds were overwhelmed by the taste of gasoline. I wiped my mouth again, and in a throaty voice, said, "Me?"

Reverend Hennessy nodded quietly.

"I figured as much," I grumbled. "Hi, I'm Al-"

"Ma'am I don't mean to interrupt," Reverend Hennessy said, "but if you could please stand up and face the whole group, that would be nice." He gave an uneasy yet somehow confident smile.

Reluctantly I stood up, brushed the crumbs off my lap, and started again. "Hi, I'm Alicia, I'm am alcoholic. I-"

"Hi Alicia," the group chorused.

If I get interrupted one more time.

I took a deep, shaky breath and continued. "I was sent here as a punishment for something I did but didn't really do, if that make any sense to you all. I feel like I do not belong here at all and I do not want to be here with people that call themselves alcoholic just because they took a sip of their mommy's diluted red wine when they were younger. I also do not want to be here with people who think they are high and mighty and are saved from their drinking problem just because they came here for one meeting and -BAM!- they're cured. I feel as if these meetings will not help at all and I have no reason to be here when I could be comfortable in my bed at home." With a huff, I sat down.

A deafening silence filled the air as everyone tried to process what I just said. Reverend Hennessy still had a smile on his face, but his eyes moved nervously from left to right.

All of a sudden, a chiming bell went off, signaling that it was now 6:00. The reverend let out a breath of relief and dismissed us, telling us to remember to not give in. As I slung my purse over my shoulder, I heard someone clearing their throat.

"Ms. Haltyr, could you stay back a moment. I would like to talk to you."

I turned around and saw Reverend Hennessy, a displeased look on his face

Oh joy.

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