The inside bright......
the outside dark.....
a tiny spark. .....
winding out it's way.....
amongst layers of sieved ....
layers or parts lost....
forgotten. ...but still there. ..
of what ?....the remnants of one.....
emotions fevoured and hardened...
long ago
the arrogant wave of fate's hand....
this seemingly inconsequential. ....
one being.....
a small part of a whole.....
a whole of a small part....
watching ......
the struggle......
the rewinding of the journey. ....
of the tiny spark....
inside bright....
outside dark....
reaching out to hold on......
to the little things....
that make this life worthwhile. ....
and their beauty ....shines...
reflecting in the spark....
which reignites...a fiery zesty light...
much to life's delight. .....
Life's circle
PoetryLife's circle ...infinitesimal in infinity...never ending..beginning with you and me.....