Random-Friend sets up date with you and Garlic bread

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(Underline is me talking)

You and Garlic bread are a perfect match,says random friend.

I don't know Garlic bread is so popular,you say.

Who care's it doesn't matter I already set up a date for you guys anyway,says random friend

YOU DID WHAT, you say

well I would get ready soon because the dates today and I wouldn't want to miss it

fine i'll get ready,you say

I have a question????

So if Jesus can walk on water and cucumbers are made of 95% of water and I can walk on cucumbers..........does that make me 95% of Jesus.

Umm its me you can call me author-chan so this is my firsts story I know it's stupid but who care's I do whatever I want UwU but I hope you like it so yeah bye people who even bother to read this

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