The Last Night of Summer

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(Bailey's POV)

   I sat with Henry thinking about tomorrow and what its going to be like. Was it going to be any typical day? A hectic day? Still knowing nothing about where my next class will be at? My mind drifted off to the thought that Henry could be thinking this, but all he was doing was scrolling through his Instagram feed. It was unfortunate of me not to bring my phone, but I was grounded for being on it in the middle of the night, so I just glanced at Henry's phone from time to time.

Henry has brown hair and hazel eyes with a hint of green. He is the type of person that would be their for you no matter what but also acts like an annoying brother that cracks jokes and teases you when you've had rough day just to get a smile out of you.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked curling my hair around my finger just to keep myself from thinking about the fact that I'm still grounded.

I have light brown hair with blond highlights and green eyes. I have a very corky personality, but also know how to defend myself if needed.

"Nothing" Henry said while settling into the tree that is in between our houses.

We have lived next to each other since I can remember. When we first became friends, the tree was smaller and it has grown tremendously since then. We have been hanging out at this same tree when we need a breather from the stressful world around us. One time we stayed up all night just talking. It was so fun, I especially liked the idea of staying up all night with Henry. He makes my day all the more better.

"Nothing" was the word that ran through my brain. I was wondering if he was holding out on me and that he was in fact nervous that school started tomorrow or was he actually telling the truth and that he isn't being as dramatic as I was being right now which is most of the time, so I let it go.

As we sat in the tree, there was a long silence between us, not the kind that was uncomfortable because neither one of us could start a conversation, but it was peaceful, looking at the sun setting and the wind slightly blowing through the trees. Tomorrow is going to be fine, I hope.

"Goodnight Henry" I said to him as I started to head to my window.

"Goodnight Bailey" Henry said as he was one step ahead of me and was already in his room.

While I was getting ready for bed, all I could think about was tomorrow and that I was going to be a junior in high school! It's madness because I feel like it was only yesterday that I was in sixth grade. Its was so crazy to me how fast time flies. As the time went by all these thoughts crammed in my brain about school tomorrow that eventually I drifted off to sleep.

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