In a kingdom known as Arendelle a young Leo gets up and jumps up onto his older twin Donnie's bed to wake him up to play. "Pzzt Donnie!" the little Red eared slider says excited shaking the young Pancake turtle. "Go back to sleep Leo..." Donnie says half awake. Leo sighs dramatically and flops onto Donnie. "But the sky's awake so I'M awake so we have to play!" Leo says. "Go back to bed." Donnie says rolling over throwing him off. This frustrated Leo but then he had a idea. "Wanta build a snowman?" Leo asks. This got Donnie's attention. Donnie threw on his glasses and the two little turtle twins rushed downstairs. "You ready?" Donnie asks. "YEAH YEAH!" Leo says excited. Donnie smiles and starts to make a magical snowball in his hands Leo looking amazed when he does this. Donnie throws the snowball into the air and it starts snowing in the room. "THIS IS AMAZING!" Leo yells doing a happy dance. "Watch this!" Donnie says stomping on the floor and ice appears. "CATCH ME!" Leo yells jumping into the air and Donnie caught him then Leo did this again higher and faster. "Leo!" Donnie yells worried then accidentally blasts Leo in the head with ice. This knocked the RES unconscious and formed two white stripes like the one's on his arms and legs on his neck. Donnie picks Leo up worried while sobbing. "MAMA, PAPA!" Donnie yelled hugging Leo tighter but his sadness made his ice magic freeze the hole room. A few seconds later Lou Jitsu and Big Mama broke the door down and saw the accident that happened. Both parents run into the room and pick Leo up. "He's ice cold" Big Mama says. "...I know what to do." Lou Jitsu says looking at the door. 

Lou runs to the library and grabs a book a peace of paper falling out he picks up the paper and un-folds it revealing a map. Then they where off on their giant pet dogs that where the size of a horse, Leo being held by his mother and Donnie behind his father. They left the town to the forest leaving a trail of frost passing a young rabbit yoki and his pet unmutated snapping turtle with reindeer antlers that was the size of a normal baby reindeer. "Ice...?" Usagi says confused. Curious he hops onto his rein-turtle and follows the trail of frost then hides behind some rocks. 

"Help! Please my son needs help!" Lou Jitsu calls into the open. Some ghosts show up from the ground and fly closer "Ghosts?" Usagi says confused "Shhh! I'm trying to listen!" another ghost says then looks at Usagi and the rein-turtle and hugs them "I'm gonna keep you." The ghost says then a bigger ghost floats in front of Lou both the king and Donnie bowing in front of it. The ghost takes Donnie's hand. "Born or cursed with the powers?" It asks. "Born, and getting stronger." Lou Jitsu answers. The ghost lets go of Donnie. The ghost looks at Big Mama as if to say to present the young Red eared slider to it. Big Mama nods and bends over. The ghost puts its hand on Leo's head. "Your lucky it was the head and not the heart. If it was the heart....That wouldn't be so easy to fix. I can fix it but to be safe I need to change your sons memory on your other sons power." The ghost says. "Do what you must." Lou Jitsu says. The ghost nods and changes all of Leo's memory's of Donnie's powers replacing it so it looks like they where just in the snow on a snow day. "There. He's just sleeping now." The ghost says "He wont remember i have powers?" Donnie asks the ghost.  The ghost turns to Donnie. 

"Yes and it's for the best and you young soft shell your power will only grow." The ghost starts showing a picture in the sky of current 6 year old Donnie making small snowflakes. "Your power holds great beauty..." The ghost continues the picture changing to a 14 year old Donnie creating a ton of beautiful snowflakes and some random yoki watching. "But also great danger." The ghost continued the Donnie in the sky's snowflakes turning red and dangerous looking. "Learn to control it or fear will be your enemy!" The ghost finishes the Donnie in the sky looks scared and the other yoki turn red and attack the Donnie a 14 year old males scream ringing through the air when this happens. Current Donnie looks scared gasps and hugs Lou Jitsu for protection. "He will we will help him do so but until then we will lock the gates, close the windows and block off any interaction with the outside world..... Even all interaction with his twin..." Lou jitsu says a little sad at the last part.

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