Clashing Heads (Crest/Seth)

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"You smell that?" Seth quickly dropped the wood and sniffed around, running over to Levi and sniffing the shirt he wore. "Who's is this? Who gave you that?" He stood broad and growled deeply, his hands glowing yellow as his energy was being focused at his palms. He felt like the shirt was a threat? It wasn't quite clear why he was so hostile this deep into the woods. Then again, Rin trained the hell out of him most of the time Seth spent in the Sanctuary. Levi on the other hand spent most of his time with Conah training his elemental and mental powers. They weren't always together considering the fact that they now looked at one another as brothers. Levi had a hard time looking back at why Seth was there. Conah and Rin would always make sure that the past Levi once knew was blocked behind all the memories he made growing up in The Sanctuary.

"Seth, calm down... It was given to me b- Shit..." Leon quickly covered his mouth and stepped back before he could say any more.

"Who, Levi, was it that gave you that shirt? It smells... odd. My gods it could have all kinds of germs on it. You cannot just take things or accept them from people. Especially in the forest!" Seth grabbed Levi's arm and pulled him to the ground, clawing at the shirt. "Take it off, now, that's gross!"

"Get off of me, dammit! I just bathed!" Levi kicked and slapped at Seth's face, him in return lacking any reactions. Levi's weak slaps hardly did anything to him to begin with.

"You heard the guy. Back off."

Seth quickly stood up and grabbed his gun, pointing it directly into the stranger's chest. He growled and grit his teeth, tail thrashing with frustration. "Who are you?" He took a sniff and looked down at Levi who gave a sheepish smile. "You're shirtless." His eyes locked back into the stranger's black pupils. "You were so generous as to give a complete stranger your filthy drapes assuming he didn't have his own? That's so sweet. But he's mine to protect so you'd might as well skitter your way back to whatever cave you dwell in. I'll take it from here."

"You're pretty amusing. What kind of a defender let's their person wonder off this deep into the enchanted forest anyway? It seems to me like you're young and irresponsible yourself. And if you knew anything about protecting someone you wouldn't let them leave your sight regardless of the situation." He looked down at the gun he had pointed to him and pushed it aside with one finger, rolling his eyes as he helped Levi to his feet. "I don't think you're quite fit if you ask me." Crest chuckled and leaned forward slowly and stood back straight. "The name's Crest."

"Cut the shit. No one asked you. Get out of here before I blow your brains across the forest floor. That's if you have any to begin with. And try to keep your dick in your pants you disgusting pervert. How dare you spy on my little brother." Seth growled and stomped his foot, Crest falling to his knees awkwardly.

"You pesky little bitch. You read my mind. That's an invasion of privacy." He stood up and brushed the dust from his shoulder. As if there was any. "I think I'll stick around. Just to piss you off."

"Do I have a say in any of this? I was the victim after all-." Levi asked awkwardly, looking up at the two drakes growling as they pressed heads against one another angrily.

"NO!" The both said it at the same time, trying to show off their strength in front of the smaller attractive drake.

"What exactly is this? I'm not impressed at all. You dumbasses are acting like savages. If anything i'm kinda turned on by the fact that you two are fighting over me." Levi coughed awkwardly and stroked his long ear, brushing the dirt from the shirt Crest had given him earlier. He blushed slightly and growled in frustration. Two big Yarren trying to show off.

"Levi-" Seth began to speak.

"Shut it." He interrupted, crossing his arms as he looked off to the side angrily.

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