Take my breath away

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Welcome lovely, I hope you guys are having a wonderfull day. Sorry it took so long to update, things have been crazy.Enjoy the story!!!
Distant voices were calling out to you but it sounded like you were far underwater. You could barely breath now. Your bleeding forehead started to hurt more and it was gonna be awhile until Sam and Dean arrived to help you. how you got here? Lets rewind.


" Simple salt n burn, Me and Sam for the bones Y/n and Cas for the distraction " Dean said, closing the back of the impala. The 4 of them quietly snuck into the old abandoned warehouse. You couldn't help but blush at the fact that you would be able to hunt side by side with your crush. You and the Angel quickly found the angry spirit and started to attack. Cas and You dodged the ghosts attacks easily back to back you two made a great team. Every thing was going fine until the spirit knocked you into a bunch of old wooden boxes, you saw stars for a split second before your vision cleared to see Castiel getting thrown into a box similar to the ones that put a gash into your forehead yet they were covered in what looked like angle sigils. The ghost then came to you forcefully picking you up and dragging you over to where Cas was, the thing then threw you into the box with Cas, squishing both of you. It was weird that even in the scariest situations Castiel could still look so cute. The spirit sealed the box off and You and Cas were stuck together. There was a few minutes of silence before that familiar voice said
" So this is unfortunate. "
" You think? It feels like that time I played 7 minutes in heaven and got locked in "
" You died for 7 minutes? " Cas questioned You just laughed to your self and said a quick
" nah, its just a game "
Cas knew better than to push with questions, especially with you. After a few more seconds of comfortable silence you started to feel your breathing get fast, You are definitely claustrophobic and it only then set in that the walls were closing in around you, No one knew about you being claustrophobic because you didn't want them thinking you were weak or something. You pulled out your phone and quickly pushed dean's contact, after a few rings he picked up, breath heavy like he had just run a mile.
" Y/n? Where are you two, Sam's hu- "
" Dean, Me and Cas are stu- "
" dont cut me off. You two were supposed to distract the ghost. Sam's hurt now. "
" Dean I can't breath "
There was a small silence before
" What? " Dean and Cas said in unison
" The walls."Breath " their closing in "
" okay okay, its okay, Sam's pretty bruised up, can you wait?" You couldn't even answer, the thought of being stuck any longer was horrifying
" Y/n?! " Dean said worried about you.
Cas then took the phone from your hand and started talking.

Distant voices were calling out to you but it sounded like you were far underwater. You could barely breath now. Your bleeding forehead started to hurt more and it was gonna be awhile until Sam and Dean arrived to help you, You had calmed down just a bit after Cas convinced you the walls weren't crushing you. Being so close together made you feel like your heart was being crushed inside your chest. Castiel and You were laying shoulder to shoulder. You decided that now was better than ever to tell Cas how you felt.
" Cas?"
" Yes Y/n?"
" I love you." Cas took a second to think about what you were saying, the Winchesters didnt use the word love lightly and Cas has seen the same thing in you, Love was a word that meant alot to say and Cas was a tad bit confused but he knew what his heart desires.
" I love you too, even since the day we met."
Your heart skipped a few beats. You had to get the words off your chest abut you never thought it would be said back.
" Wanna be my boyfriend?" You said, excited that their was a chance for a relationship.
" Of course" Castiel said, heart beating so fast he could barely keep up, You chose this moment to put your soft lips against his gruff cheek, his small bit of facial hair rubbing against your lips. Castiel then flipped himself so he was facing you, he took in all your features for a second, the scar that slit through your eyebrow and the blood from your forehead. You took in his features his baby blue eyes and blackish brown hair. Thats where the make out session began, you two had been deeply in love for a long time and now was your chance to show It. French kissing was never your style but with Castiel it just felt right.

You and Cas made out for about 10 minutes before a certain someone interrupted. The box was opened and a surprised gasp followed, You and Cas looked up to find Sams bruised face and Deans Surprised face, both of them looked dumbfounded.
" I told You so, they cant keep there eyes of each other." Dean sneered to Sam. Dean and Sam teased you for months about the incident. As for You and Cas, You two have been dating for two months so far and every minute has been amazing he introduced You to Gabriel and You and him are best friends. Life has been wonderfull.You liked to think that Cas took your breath away that night, not the clastriphobia. He really takes your breath away.

Thank you guys so much for reading, keep calm and carry on my wayward son.
All the characters from this story belong to whatever it belongs to, except for you of course. Unless your stuck in a dang demon trap, in that case. Good luck. Bye chompers

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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