Chapter 1

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Cedric's POV:



"Fuck it!"

"I'm cumming...faster baby!"

After hearing moans and groans coming out from my dear beloved bedroom, I rolled my eyeballs that almost got out from its sockets, literally, like not again! "If I see another used condoms in my floor, in my bed, in my study, in the bathroom, Sebastian Alferez Valdemore I'm gonna  fucking kill you! You hear me?! The heck! Don't make my house a motel!" I shouted in the top of my lungs to tell him that I'm serious.

I heard him groan as a reply, well just great...really great.

That jerk had, has, have been doing his what he call 'business' here in my house since the last time he got caught by his mother in act, who almost had a heart attack like literally no kidding. Wanna know what happened after that? His sluts, yeah plural cause there's three of them, was thrown out out their house naked  begging his mother to atleast give them their undies and Sebby? Well he got a week of explanation to his mother about how can her beloved baby boy did such sordid act, asking him if she's that really bad of a mother, what did she lack or if that's because of his father not being around anymore. I can still clearly recall everything she said because why wouldn't I Sebby the great made me stay with him in the pit of hell listening to his mother's tantrums. He blackmailed me. I don't want to sound gay but duh...why can't he grow up and face the cosequences like a grown up man he is?





My phone's ringing mad for the fiftieth time flashing Sebby's name. Argh... God! I picked up my phone and answered it even if i don't want to, I'm studying for the upcoming examination for fuck's sake! I already told him not to disturb me, is he pissing me off or he's just that stupid to understand what it means?!

"What do you want?" I asked not hiding what I feel for my dear best friend which is purely irritation. "Ceddy...I need you." Of course he needs me, he always do. He needs me to help him 'agains', yeah with s cause seriously he asked for my help like three hundred sixty four times a year as if tomorrom won't come like today's the end of the world and it's his last chance to ask for help. "No, I'm not hepling. Period no erase." Instead of begging me to help I heard his evil laugh. Uh...oh...I don't like that laugh, I know that I won't like what is going to happen next.

"Really? No one says no to the gorgeous Sebastian, I don't take no for an answer Ceddy."

Tsk... If I were you I won't be so sure of that, i thought.

When I ended the call he send me a video clip.... After playing the video, moans and groans filled the empty space in my room. "Fuck it! I'll be there in a minute! YOU ASSHOLE, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" I called him not waiting for an answer before ending the call.

I looked for my wallet and car key searching not caring if my room looked like it was bombarded by terrorists. "The heck where is that fucking wallet?! I spit out harshly when I did not found my wallet where it's supposed to be. I'm not really a messy person but when times that your shit of a best friend send you a video clip containing a sex video of you with the hot chick you just met that night you had sex and you have a loving girlfriend who's too oblivious of your shit, well I'm fucked up if Olivia would ever find out. She looks like an angel but definitely a devil if  triggered and angered.

End of Flashback

Minutes had passed, Sebastian came down only wearing his boxers standing firm with his 6 foot 4 height towering my 5 foot 6. I'm positive that I'm not gay but just look at that body, a body every guy wants to achieve and been dreaming of having. I looked at him from head to toe.

I was stunned when he suddenly winked at me which makes him chuckle a bit. Tsk...don't you dare the god of teasing and flirting! Yeah, that's me, I'm really good at that, but I'm not a slut whore like Sebastian...who lived his 22 years of existence having sex. I came closer to him and touched his chest with my index finger and look at him in the eye. Did I just saw him gulp haha...I think it's affecting him, my presence is affecting him! It's 'pay back time'.

My finger got down to his 8 pack abs and I touched it with my fingers. I felt him shuddered. I looked at his lips then lowered his head to mine using my right hand. Our lips inched closer with another, I can feel his minty breath. Closer and closer...

And closer...

Our noses touched and he circled his firm arms around my waist pulling me more closer. I groaned when our still clothed sensitive parts collided. My lips were approximately an inch away from his. I can clearly hear his fast heartbeat and breathing. He looked at my eyes then at my lips and back at my eyes in continuous manner. I licked my now dry lips and my breathing heavied, I then parted my lips challenging him to have a taste.

As our lips were about to touch, but still no one wants to lose a battle that we don't know even started. I looked at his lips and found him bitting it harshly. I felt him touched and squeeze my butt causing me to gasp bringing me back to reality. I looked at his eyes that are now filled with lust. Shit is he really going to kiss me?!! No shit!!!

But my head's urging me to just kiss him senselessly and just go with the what the fuck I'M STRAIGHT!!! I understand that his hot only wearing boxers but I'M NOT GAY!!!

I slightly pushed him in the chest hoping that he would understand that I gave up but istead of backing down, he caught my wrists with only a hand his other still squeezing my left butt. He inched closer and suddenly....


"OH MY GOD!!!"

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