Guess I'll die anyway,
Likely as others said,
As for my wish
In mid-air starts to vanishBlood,tears,fears,gears,
Like there's no tomorrow,
Thrown away daily dreams
Like there's no tomorrow,
Most likely just a threat,
Like there's no tomorrow,
My heart speeds tormently my breath,
Like there's no tomorrow.My heart,my soul
Almost disgracefully,slowly abomination,
My head,my hands
Closer to hell,no further determination.
Those pills,that pain
Greater to its own extinction,
I'm not a shame
Comes to me,sadness means extermination.My heart,my soul,
Why did you hold your hand,
Likely to save me in the end,
That's so sure-I m dead inside-
My head,my hands
Are trembling underneath,
As if I could only explode
Those pills,that pain
It's my only growth.I am so finished with all of this,
I am destined to perish anyway.
And as you save a tear for me,
Can you just lend me your heart instead?...Guess I'll die anyway...
Guess I'll die anyway...But my true self stays the same.
A.N:multumesc pentru ca ai parcurs aceasta poezie.In primul rand,imi cer iertare pentru greselile de gramatica sau scrierea incorecta a unor cuvinte.
Aceasta poezie este prima scrisa dupa ce volumul 'Avorton' a luat sfarsit.
Aceasta poezie-nu,de fapt sunt versuri facute unei melodii foarte dragi mie-o dedic unui tanar frumos pe care nu l-am apucat sa il cunosc la timpul potrivit.Acel tanar s-a sinucis acum doua zile.Nimeni nu stie ce a stat in spatele suferintei sale.
Acest volum de poezii va fi o scurta trecere prin mentalul obscur al unui tanar roman din aceasta noua decada.
As vrea ca oamenii care trec prin asemenea momente dificile sa aiba puterea sa isi infranga temerile si sa o ia de la capat.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!!Sper sa va revad in curand!!❤❤❤