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I awoke to the sunlight shining in my eyes, I must be up early. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes, trying to will myself to get out of bed. I looked around, something felt off. It was as if there was a wave of anxiety that washed over me, I couldn't shake it. My head felt like it was buzzing, like there were a million bees swarming in my mind. I sat up straighter, taking a deep breath, and put my feet on the ground to try and get up. As soon as I put my feet to the floor, there was this feeling of warmth that washed over me, I took a sharp breath in.

There was someone else here.

I don't know how but I felt someone's eyes staring at me. I turned to look around, and I jumped.

Issac was here.

How the fuck did he get in here? I was so confused and flustered at seeing him in my room, I grabbed the blankets and covered my body with them. I was suddenly feeling really self conscious.

"What are you doing in my room Leiana?" He asked, looking at me intensely as if he didn't just break into my room.

"Great question Issac, what are you in my room?" I asked, this was getting weird.

He looked just as confused as me.

"What..I'm confused. Can you not see my surroundings?" He asked, looking around.

I stayed silent.

"I can't see yours..just you" He said, his tone changing from confused to...affectionate?

I shivered slightly, he was even getting to me when he wasn't here. Well..at least I think he's not here.

"Do you have any idea why this could be happening? I just woke up and you were..here" I said

"The same thing happened to me..is this some weird force thing? Like a Jedi voodoo mind trick?" He said, giggling like it was the most ridiculous thing he could have proposed.

"Well..It could be. That was how my parents grew close, through their bond in the force. It's not impossible, I just never thought that I would get to experience it" I smiled, trying to ease a bit of the tension

"Wait..okay so you are telling me that you and I are connected by the force? Are you fucking with me?" He stood up, clearly a bit distressed over the news.

I stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"..I just met you. I have never felt any connection to the force, I was convinced it didn't exist. and now..I am connected to it through you. You..the daughter of two of the best Jedi of the decade and Me, a nobody from the outer rim..are connected by the motherfucking force!" He gripped his hair, I could hear his tone of voice change.

"Issac..calm down. This isn't the end of the world, I think it's a good thing actually. I mean, this means that I am not alone in this.." I stood up to face him not caring about covering myself anymore, he looked at me. "I can help you, you can help me. I can take you with me to train, we can be the strongest duo in the galaxy if we wanted. Please..don't push this away, use this."

I swear I could reach out and touch him, he felt so real. All I wanted to do right now was touch him, I was so drawn to him.

He smiled.

"You know..it's weird. I can hear what you are thinking. It's nice to know you are thinking about me Leiana" He said, his smile never faltering. He was really enjoying this.

Trust me, I would do anything to touch you right now.

I smiled softly, I could hear his thoughts too. He knew it as well, judging by his face.

"Issac I.." I started to speak but then I blinked and he was gone.

I sighed, my room felt much colder without his presence here.
I went about my day like normal, I was wandering around the area where all the fighter jets were parked. It was always so calm here, since there hasn't been a war or fight in so many years. I could hear someone coming up behind me, I knew who it was before they even said anything.

"Hey kid! What are you doing snooping around here?" Poe said

I turned to him, smiling as best as I could, I kind of wanted to be alone right now.

"I come here to think sometimes, aren't you supposed to be at work right now?"

"You caught me! I was just going to sneak off and see Finn, he just came back from the outer rim so I wanted to get some..alone time with him" he said laughing a bit, god he could definitely sense my awkwardness. They were my family, I don't want to think about them..you know..doing it.

I shook away the nasty thoughts "Well have fun Poe, I won't tell on you..this time"

"Don't worry, I'll have fun" He said, winking as he sauntered away.

Oh god, he really was that bitch.

I made my way back home, hoping to spend some time with my parents before I shut myself away in my room for the night. I was halfway home when I felt the same feeling I did this morning, a warmth and comforting feeling surrounded me. Issac was here.

Leiana, meet me in my quarters as soon as possible. I need to see you.

He must be close to where I was, I could hear his thoughts as clear as day. I started walking around aimlessly, trying to follow the force (if that was even possible). Then, I stopped. I felt drawn to this one door, like I was being pulled towards it. This must be where he was, I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Issac, who looked stressed, like he had been studying all night. I looked around the room, there were books and papers scattered around his place. I guess he had been studying all night.

"Hey, come in" he said, leading me inside.

As I made my way inside, I got a better look at him. He was wearing plain sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, his hair was disheveled and he looked..really good.

He made his way back to the floor, sitting down with a pile of papers surrounding him. I sat down next to him.

"So..what is all of this?" I asked, looking around at the mess.

"Um..well that's why I called you here. I got to overthinking about what you and I were talking about earlier, so I went to the library. I took out every book and document on the Jedi religion and the force, etc. I have spent all day studying and trying to understand why we are..connected" He took a shaky breath, I could tell he was nervous.

"Wow, that's amazing. Can you tell me what you found out?" I said, looking over his shoulder at the book he was holding.

He smiled, looking me in the eyes.

"Well then let's get started shall we?"

He passed me a book and we got to studying.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Issac is literally the loml wow 🥴

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