School Days Chapter 1

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It was the first day that the three friends got to attend school, the morning started off early as the alarm clock went off. A constant ringing sounded as the three teenagers woke up.

"Mou! Why do we have to wake up so early!" Killua moaned.

He looked over at his side, Gon was still fast asleep, Killua twitched his eye as he began to yell, "OI! GON WAKE UP! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!" He yelled into Gon's ear.

The boy woke up rubbing his eye, "ehh school?! Why this early?!" He yawned.

Gon got up and went to wake up Akita, finding she wasn't there., "ne Killua, where's Akita?" Gon asked.

"Akita?" Killua looked around.

He smelled a sweet aroma and opened the room door. There they found Akita cooking breakfast for them, "eh Akita!" Killua was surprised.

"Oh good morning!" She smiled finishing the cooking and placing the plates on the table.

"Sorry you had to cook for us..." Killua blushed looking away.

"It's perfectly fine, I let you two sleep." Akita started eating.

After they all finished they went to their rooms and put on their uniforms. Akita slipped on her skirt and waited for the two boys at the apartment door.

"Sorry for the wait!" Gon shouted. "I needed help with my tie!" He laughed.

"It's perfectly fine, we have enough time to make it on time don't worry." Akita looked at her watch and opened the door.

Finally the three arrived at the city train station, "how many sir?" The worker asked politely.

"Three please." Killua held up three fingers.

"Alright your train will be here by 7:30." She handed them the tickets and asked them to take a seat.

"Alright, the train will be here in five minutes." Killua checked his watch.

"I can't wait!" Gon spun around.

"B-be careful!" Akita shouted.

"Sorry... Hahaha..." Gon laughed slightly and rubbed the back of his head.

Five minutes later the train arrived and the three found themselves three seats close to the entrance, "ok the trip is about 30 minutes.. We can talk for a while if you guys want-!" Akita suggested as she turned around finding the two boys fast asleep. Akita let out a sigh and smiled, "they never change." She closed her eyes and fell asleep as well.

"We're stopping at Union Station please proceed to the exit!" A woman announced to the passengers.

Akita rubbed her eye and realized this was their stop, she went over to Gon and Killua and spoke them genteelly, "guys wake up we have to get off the train now." She whispered.

The boys woke up rubbed their eyes, "already?!" Gon moaned.

On they got off the train station they began walking to their school. "So what are you guys excited about school?" Akita asked.

"I guess meeting new people!" Gon smiled.

"What about you Killua?" The boy blushed and looked away, "I'm just going to keep an eye on you... Make sure you don't let anyone know we're pro hunters.. They'll think we're weird." Killua placed his hands behind his back. The others nodded and they reached the school.

"Here we are.." Akita took a deep breath and stepped inside the school property.

"I hope were all in the same class!" Gon smiled as he ran to the class list board in front of the school.

Right away the three searched for their name, "hmm. Ah! Class 1A!" Akita pointed at her name in the first year chart.

"Same here." Killua smiled.

"Me too!" Gon jumped.

"Oi, are those the new transfer students?" A boy whispered to his friends. "The girl is pretty cute." One replied.

"Their in our class, we should get going." Another said as they made their way to class.

"We should get going." Akita checked the time as she ran into the building.

"Attention students!" The teacher yelled to her students. "We have three transfer students. Please come in." She opened the door for the three and wrote their names on the board.

"My name is Gon Freecss! It's nice to meet you!" Gon smiled to his peers.

"I'm Killua Zoldyck it's nice to meet ya." Killua stuck his hand in his pocket to act cool.

Lastly it was Akita's turn she took a deep breath and introduced herself. "My name is Akita Kuruta it's a pleasure to meet you all... Lets all be friends!" She bowed down.

"She's cute!" The boys began whispering.

Killua heard the tiny whispers in the class and got annoyed, " it seems like this is all their first time ever going to school, and they're all friends. Please treat them all well. You may take a seat." The teacher smiled.

"My name is Mrs. Hana and I'm your home room teacher." The teacher introduced herself.

"Sit wherever you want." Akita and the others walked to the middle of the classroom and round three seats right beside each other.

"I'll sit in the middle." Killua mentioned as he sat down. Akita and Gon nodded as they sat beside him. The three friends began their school life but what they don't know is what is in stored for them.

School Days (Killua x Akita)Where stories live. Discover now