A Skeletons Dream

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chapter 1.

A Skeletons Dream

My name is Rathrag I'm exactly 2 meters tall I always dress in black to match my black sword AD.

What kind of sword is AD and why would I have it in this day and age why yes it is the 21 century so why would I have a sword well that's a tale of how I lived and how I died.

you see I'm not alive I haven't been alive for over 100.000 years when I was alive what did I look like I don't remember all that I remember is a pale image a shadow forging the first sword no the first weapon not comprised of wood or stone striking the anvil with a hammer.

How did I find an anvil or hammer they weren't around then were they?

no but an ancient long forgotten art was for you see it was the age of the first magic the most powerful magic the most ancient magic the only unrestricted magic

For you see magic proved so powerful that if not contained it would destroy the world of man and myth

so about 10 years after magic was discovered all the gods of all the religions existing non existing and the yet to exist came together with all there might to seal it away but to no avail they found that human magic was so powerful it outmatched even them

this they did not like for humans had just started to grow they would not be able to contain control understand or even wield this magic so the gods did what they could they made a deal with me I would turn my magic into restricted magic but keep a few unrestricted spells for emergencies and to play pranks on people and I would make the immortality spell impossible to do.

but then how have you lived so long I hear you asking well that's the thing it happened 10 years after magic first appeared and do you know hue it was that created it why off course it was me thehehe yes I fought the gods and kicked there asses. how did I create magic well I can't tell you that all I can tell you is the reason for it I wanted to see how the world would bloom if humanity would ever disappear what would destroy what first nature or humanity and I wanted a weapon that I could really on a weapon that would never brake nor bend a weapon that I could count on and off course a weapon with an everlasting connection with the elements fire, ice and darkness how did I ever get this elements together without one destroying the other well that's quite simple really I infused them with crystals of pure magic Fire, Ice and Darkness, the fire crystal glows an everlasting crimson red with fire burning out of it with the heat of the sun the Ice crystal glows with a calming Wight and is as cold as absolute zero and from it you can see weight snowflakes drop and the darkness crystal hue doesn't glow in fact it looks like there's nothing there except an everlasting hole darker then the darkest black. You can see darkness floating from it and if you listen closely you can hear the screams of the dead.

The crystals are placed as follows the fire stone is on the front of the guard and the ice stone on the opposed side then there's the Darkness stone it is in the base of the hilt

And how have I not frozen my hands of or burned them to a crisp well that's simple magic can't hurt the wielder so I just feel a warmth coming from one side of the hilt and a cooling from the other and unless someone tries to touch the stones directly they won't feel a thing when another person's hand is a millimeter from one stone that stone shoots a bolt of cold or heat(depending on what stone it is) in the direction of the hand just enough so that the person will jump away in shock it won't do any damage it will just be seriously uncomfortable.

But if the person were to touch the stone the heat stone would burn him with the heat of the sun and the cold stone would freeze him with the cold of absolute zero.

To avoid that people get killed by accident I made a cloth as red as blood that covers the hole sword and sheath the cloth stops the stones from going berserk on everyone that gets close and also hides all but the tiniest tint of their glow and to take it of one most say the word release and the blood red cloth will seas its hold on the sword and float as if wind were blowing it never getting in the way and then to seal the stones again you simply sheath the sword and say seal and the blood red cloth will rap itself around the sword again sealing there power

A Skeletons Dream (On hold for rewriting) (Discontinued. For This Account)Where stories live. Discover now