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1. im back baby!!!! hell ya.
sorry Iv'e benn gone for so long that's on me.
so yes this is the rework, meaning i do plan on changing the story up a bit...or a lot but trusty me my lewd smutty mind has not changed. its just a little more sutele but Im getting off topic. ideas for the story.
The (reader) AKA you is not just a high schoold drop out but a college drop out and things are a little more involde. mother still die's but you go out and search for you're father insted of getting a letter from you're mother.
you find him and confront him and well...the rest is a secret.

2. you're not a student but a teacher or someone that works for the city, after loosing everything you start fresh, still young maybe 17 or 18 (you're choice) you inroll in school or work and find the story stays relativly the same.

3. gabriel takes you in with open arms and you are in a love triangl with marrinet. short and sweet or so you think.
finding secrets left and right you realoze that you're own secrets might be let loose and new one's will come to light.

4. leave a comment and tell me what you want, i need YOU most of all because thats what im here for, im here for you.
tell me what you like and what you want.

Lady bug x reader Fixing her heart. (reworked)Where stories live. Discover now