Come With Me

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The day was cold. Winter gave her snow in an abundance, the sun sparkling on blankets of white, yet it could not melt the frozen forest.
Snow so high one had to lift the knee higher still in order to make discernible tracks, though the tracks left behind dragged as if the maker was too deep in thought to care that the powdery substance would stick to his pant legs. And this was a more than accurate assumption.

The boy walked in a daze, his sleep had been restless, and neither the Bible nor his prayers to God could console him. Was it even the truth? Was his cousin really the son of... of the Devil? It was so much to think about, too much to bear even on as light and carefree a heart as his.

And so he walked, stumbling through the snow and forest, his mind numb yet in turmoil. He wanted to cry out, yet his throat would not open.

Quietly he brushed away snow from the top of a log and sat, thinking deeply, yet not finding a solution, a logical explanation.

A crunch caught his ear, the sound of steps in the snow. Getting up he retreated further onto the woods, only to stop as his bones chilled, a deep chill he could not blame the winter cold for. And through the trees, came him.

"Why are you running away from me Mark?" The boy moved closer to Mark Thorn, blue eyes full of concern and confusion that Mark would not trust so easily.

"I know who you are." Mark felt the words tremble past his frozen lips, his back and shoulders rigid with fear of the one he loved.

Puzzlement flashed over the boy's face. "You do?"

"Doctor Ward knows, I overheard him talking to Dad." Mark said, hesitant and stuttery as he stared at the boy accused of being a devil.

"Well what did he say?" Came the innocently posed question.

Mark felt another tremor run through his bones. "He... he said the Devil could create his image on Earth."

"The Devil?!" His cousin asked incredulously, but seemed strangely intrigued. "What else did he say?"

The tremor became all the greater, his mouth wouldn't work right, jaw moving but his tongue was unable to form words to speak.

The boy narrowed his blue eyes. "Say it Mark." He goaded darkly, giving Mark all the confirmation he needed. His cousin did know what he was.

"He said you're the Beast!"

"Come on! What are you talking about?"

"I've seen what you can do!" Mark could not keep it in now, how dare he lie and deny what he truly was! It explained everything, everything his cousin did. Everything.
"Your father tried to kill you, they said he was crazy! But it's because he knew!" His voice rose before Mark suddenly turned and ran, frustration taking over his every movement, every thought. Because, what truly was wrong, was that no matter that Damien Thorn, his cousin, his brother, was the Beast and Satan's spawn, Mark still loved him. Mark still loved the one he grew up with, Satan's child who he found by his side every single day.

"I love you Mark!" Damien (son of Satan and the Beast that God warned against) suddenly shouted after him. "You're like my brother!"

"No!" Mark practically screamed back, voice cracking in agony as hot tears burned in his eyes and ran down his cheeks. He ran into a tree hard, holding onto it for dear life it seemed.

However Damien would not let him be. "You are my brother, Mark. And you mean more to me than anything in this world."

Mark could hear Damien coming closer, but he could not, could not have him closer. "Not another step! You killed your mother!" He accused, trying so hard to find a righteous reason to hate Damien Thorn.

"No, listen to me, Mark! She wasn't my mother!" Damien snapped back. "I was adopted! I-"

"A jackal! You were born of a jackal!" Mark knew he was grasping threads, knowing so badly that he wasn't going to win, yet unable to admit defeat and accept what was in his heart.

Damien seemed to take a breath. "Yes," he finally conceded. "Born in the image of the greatest power the world has ever known. The Desolate one, desolate because his greatness was taken from him and he was cast down!" Mark felt his teeth chatter from the chills Damien's suddenly empowered and strong willed words gave him.
"But he has risen Mark, in me." Damien said firmly before closing the distance. This time, Mark did not tell him to stop.

"Come with me Mark." Damien implored, voice soft again as he stopped inches away. "I can take you with me."

Mark shuddered, his hand hurting from gripping the tree so tightly. Staring into his brother's eyes, tears reflecting his own. Yet Mark couldn't find the will nor the strength to speak.

Damien seemed to look hurt, a hurt Mark had never wished to cause him as the younger spoke again. "Don't make me beg you Mark," yet he seemed to beg all the same. "I need you, my brother I need you with me more than ever before! Do not forsake me Mark. Please, please..."

Damien's eyes conveyed his need as much as his words did. Mark swallowed. He was brought up as a faithful man, one who loved the Lord Jesus Christ and tried so hard to avoid wicked, sinful things and people who may lead him astray... but was it not Jesus who suffered for the sinners? Was it not Jesus who held compassion and love for the wicked and vile? And Mark loved Damien. When all others forsook him, Damien was there. Damien was always there. Being the son of Satan and a jackal never stopped Damien from being there for Mark. And, would it not be right to stay with Damien then? To guide and protect him? Perhaps, perhaps Satan's hold could be broken even over Damien. Perhaps, he did not have to lose his brother.

Shaking still, Mark took a tiny step toward Damien, blinking away his tears as he took Damien's hand in his own. Making a decision that could not be reversed.
"I'm sorry, Damien." Mark apologized hoarsely.

Damien looked down at their hands interlocked together, Mark feeling a squeeze from him as relief and joy flooded Damien's face openly.
"All is forgiven Mark... and what I say is true. You are my brother."

Mark heaved in a breath, calming himself as he heard Damien's words. Yet finally, his heart did not beat with anxiety and fear. And he felt more at peace now. "You are my brother, Damien." Mark said softly. And with that, a silent vow. To be there for Damien, to protect him, and to guide him down the right path.

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