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How come, Humans never learn?
They act like they care, though they don't, and so many died because of it.
Why can't there be just Peace?
Why can't there be just Peace?

But Harry knew, he was a Hypocrite, for he can't live without War himself.
What Irony, that the one that saved them all, craves for Blood and Fear, and he began to feel inhuman, and that not in a Good Way.
He was the Master of Death, the one that was Savior and Destroyer at once, the one that could kill even Immortals.

His sad eyes smiled at the girl that was like his Twin Sister, with brown hair and red eyes that had once been a soft chestnut brown, and she greeted him with a Hug. "Harry. It is good to see you again. I missed you."

The Ravenhead embraced her warmly and grinned into her Neck. "I am happy to see you too, Mione. The Life of the Undead suits you wonderfully." 

A small momentum of silence followed, then both burst into a fit of Laughter, and she kissed his ever pale cheek. "You Goofball! Now, we probably should not continue to block the gates of Gringotts any further, let's go inside!"
He nodded and followed her, hand in hand, into the one place of the world, he believed to be truly neutral.

Hopefully, they will be able to leave the World of Magic once and forever.
The World that has betrayed their Kindness more than thrice.

With a Bow, the two of them greeted the Goblin that was in Charge, his Name was Gorrnac, and he analyzed them with the ever intelligent black orbs of Goblinkin.
"Good Day, Mr. Gorrnac, We are here to get our Inheritance Files and our Passports. I do hope everything is in order. Or did anyone trouble your mission?"
The elder Goblin with black fuzzy hair shook his head. "Everything went smoothly, Lord Potter. Here are your Files and Passports. The Passports do change appearance whenever needed, at the moment it is nothing but a Blank card. We have already adjusted them after your likings, and as Extra, each of you gets a Creditcard that is bound to your fault. It works in both worlds perfectly and you cannot lose it as it is magically bound to your Core. Only the true owner can withdraw money with it."

Hermione smiled brightly. "Thank you, Sir. We are deeply indebted to you."

The Goblin shook his heavy head. "No, Lady Granger. You both have paid for the Damage you have caused with our Dragon, Bought us three new ones, gave us all Goblin-made from your Faults and donated us several thousand galleons. You both are now friends in the Eyes of my Kin. There is no Debt you have to pay."

The Two Homo Superior Provectus gave him a polite bow, and they bid farewell.
Goblins always were and will always be, Harrys' favorite Race on Earth.

Name: Hermione Jean GrangerRace: Homo Superior Provectus (Witch)Also: Undead (Vamp); AngelAge: 21 yearsHeight: 5'5Gender: femaleParents: Evelyn Granger nee Starling                  Benjamin Granger (adoptive Father)                  Phil Coulson ...

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Name: Hermione Jean Granger
Race: Homo Superior Provectus (Witch)
Also: Undead (Vamp); Angel
Age: 21 years
Height: 5'5
Gender: female
Parents: Evelyn Granger nee Starling
                  Benjamin Granger (adoptive Father)
                  Phil Coulson (Birthfather)

Core: Neutral, 399, Salomon

Titles: Mistress of Justice
              Lady of Death
              Lady LeFay
              Princess of the Golden Sun

Wandless Magic
Healing Magic

Superior Regeneration
Heightened Senses
Superhuman Strenght
Inhuman Agility, Speed and Leaping
Flight: Angel Wings (white)
Emphakinetic (Emotion Control)
Life Energy Absorption
Vitakinetic (Plant growth and Control)   

Mutant Level: 5

Name: Hadrian James PotterRace: Homo Superior Provectus (Witcher)Also: Archangel of DeathAge: 22yearsHeight: 5'5Gender: MaleParents: Lillian Potter nee Evans                  James Charlus Potter (Birthfather, 1

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Name: Hadrian James Potter
Race: Homo Superior Provectus (Witcher)
Also: Archangel of Death
Age: 22years
Height: 5'5
Gender: Male
Parents: Lillian Potter nee Evans
                  James Charlus Potter (Birthfather, 1.)
                  James Howlett (Birthfather, 2.)

Core: Chaotic Neutral, 417, Diablo

Titles: Master of Death
              Lord of Justice
              The Anomaly of the Universe
              Lord Potter
              Shadow King
              Lord Vivaldi

Wandless magic

Superior Regeneration
Heightened Senses
Superhuman Strenght
Inhuman Agility, Speed and Durability
Flight: Angel Wings (Black)
Life Energy Absorption
Hydrokinetic/Sanguikinetic (Water and Blood)

Mutant Level:5; feral

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