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"Come on, Kakyoin! It's New Years! At least drink SOMETHING!" Josephs hardy laugh could be heard throughout the house, same for Polnareff's; Jotaro was the only quiet one, even Avdol was louder than normal. The redhead... he doesn't know how to feel. He's a lightweight, even more so now that he's not much more than a stick. DIO really put him through the wringer. He's gained most of his muscle back, though, so he's not THAT small. He's just not much of a drinker.

But, he caved. His need to please others took over, and he takes a seat and grabs one of the drinks on the table, cracking it open.

That's his first mistake.

"A-And.. so I said to my n-now married friend.. "the wedding was so beautiful, even the cake is in tiers!"" Kakyoin lets a snort of a laugh out and Polnareff joined in after a moment, falling back from laughter. Such a stupid joke could get everyone at least giggling. His face was stained red as he laughs, soon struggling to stand. "I'm g..gonna go get more drinks for us.." Red haired uses the couch for support, though he obviously couldn't do much more than that due to the weakness in his legs. Jotaro stands after noticing this, and hooks his arm over his neck to support him.

"You're going to bed." Is all thats said from the raven haired male, earning a whine from Kakyoin... but he doesn't protest much. "I feel sick..." He mumbles, staggering along and leaning into the taller. "Then why would you drink that much? Especially if you knew you wouldn't handle well." Jotaro spits in an annoyed tone, carrying him into his room he had set up for him. "I didn't.. wanna make Mr. Joestar upset.. nor be a buzzkill.. I wanted to join the fun.." He groans softly but leans back when he's laid against the soft bed, back popping lightly when he stretches out.

"Well, whatever. Just.. go to bed, Nori. Don't need you doing something stupid." Or, before he himself did. He may not look it, but he's came close to doing plenty of stupid things when it came to Kakyoin. Pulling the covers up over the flustered boy, he mumbles a soft 'g'night' to him before turning to leave. "..W-Wait, Jotaro," Kakyoin leans up, grabbing the hand that just left the comforter in its resting place. "can you sleep with me..? It's cold.." There's a slight smile on his face as he looks at the male; ocean eyes focused on his own. "....." He's quiet for a bit, before he finally speaks up and nods sheepishly.


Slipping his hat off, the raven haired climbs into the bed; body facing the ceiling in an attempt to hide his overwhelming embarrassment over the situation. His face is probably as dark as a cherry, sweat gathering on his face from trying to contain what shaking he'd probably be doing. When he got extremely nervous, he had a sort of nervous tremble. "Jojo..." This causes Jotaro to jolt lightly, but answer with a simple "Mm?" "Please... look at me.." To his surprise, Jotaro actually shifts and turns to face him, his body a bit stiff. He doesn't seem to mind, though. Almost instantaneously, Kakyoin latches himself onto the larger's form, face resting on his chest. He was like a heater... "You're really warm.. it's making me sleepy, heh.."

And like that, Kakyoin is knocked out. Jotaro lets out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding in, eyes shutting tightly. He was dizzy from this whole thing, the alcohol not helping much. He'd thank Joseph later.. maybe. Either way, if Kakyoin was going to be like this most of the time, maybe drinking with him wouldn't be too bad.

Morning rolls around, it's about nine in the morning. Sunlight peeks through the curtains in the room, casting a soft, subtle warmth over the part of their bodies it was hitting.

Kakyoin's violet hues slowly crack open and he goes to stretch; but the feeling of his arms holding onto something makes him stop. This wasn't a pillow, or a blanket—he doesn't remember a thing from last night but the pounding of his head is enough to let him know why. Eyes slowly look up to see the sleeping Jotaro's face, causing his own to fluster a bright red at it.


A breath, he shuts his eyes. He just needs to calm down, surely theres a reasonable explanation as to why he's in the same bed as Jotaro—

"Yo, guys! You awake yet? Breakfast is r—" Polnareff halts abruptly, his eyes wide as he see's the two in the same bed. 'Fuckfuckfuckfuck—!!!' "I'll.. I'll uh, see you two at breakfast." The door SLAMS and that causes Jotaro to stir, slowly starting to wake up. "Time to get up already..? Mmh... G'morning.." Kakyoin leans up too, face beet red as he pushes his sloppy hair from his eyes. "G-Good morning, Jotaro... May I.. uh.. May I ask why we're in the same b-bed?" He's doing his best to stay as calm as he can, eyes shut as he swallowed.

"Why? Well, it's because your drunk ass practically begged me to sleep with you." He sleepily rubbed his ocean colored hues, then scratched the back of his head. Kakyoin feels his heart lodge in his throat as he stared wide-eyed. He did WHAT?! "A-Ah.. and that means..—" Jotaro stops him there. "Don't get the wrong idea, Nori." A pause as he yawns before finally settling. "You said you were cold, begged me to stay and I guess I make for a great heater. That's all. You didn't do anything weird." Kakyoin's nerves settle, but he's still embarrassed. 'So, asking someone to sleep with you isn't weird?! What does he consider weird?!' "Ah, haha.. I see, i'm sorry. I was probably pretty annoying—" "Actually, i've never slept better in my life."

A long pause. "...Did I say that out loud?"


"...oh.." Jotaro's visibly sweating now, the embarrassment on his face more than visible. Kakyoin pipes back up and reaches to rub his neck. "Actually, uh.. there was a reason I got drunk... I heard that it made you more forward, a-and lose inhibitions so you become more relaxed.. so I was kind of hoping that would happen and I could tell you something.." A pause; "But apparently not.. sorry for being a burden, if any."

"Tell me something?" He regrets even asking immediately after but its done now. It catches Kakyoin by surprise, and obviously he contemplates; should he tell him? A deep breath is taken in, and he closes his violet hues before nodding. "Yes. I uh.. I wanted to tell you that.." He looks to the side before leaning forward on his hands that rested against his knees, eyes shut tightly. "I like you, Jotaro! Please go out with me!" His heart is pounding in his chest like a jackhammer, sweat beading down his head. He's trembling; Jotaro's silence is agonizing and the pressure was piling up; maybe he should play it off as a joke!

Right as he was about to speak again, the sound of Jotaro suddenly moving makes his eyes open, and he collides against the mattress with a grunt; eyes meeting with Jotaro's soft ocean colored ones. "Okay."

Maybe he wasn't the best at accepting his own feelings, or accepting someone else's for that matter—but he was smiling, and his usually hard, stern eyes were soft. Kakyoin eases, and he moves to pull the other down into a hug. He's been holding his emotions towards the other for a while now, so to know that they're returned, and to be able to say he is dating Jotaro Kujo, that's a big accomplishment in his eyes.

"I'm.. glad that you don't think i'm some.. weird freak for liking you, Jotaro." Jotaro lets a laugh out and pulls away. "Just say I love you, you dunce."

"I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too."

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