Save Nora

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Jaune is outside of the bathroom waiting for ren to finish but he can't wait. Then Phyrra walks in & asks him what he is doing. Jaune lies & tells her he is doing new fighting techniques but it's actually a way to hold in his bladder.

Yang: nice fighting techniques jaune.

Ren was done then Nora comes in. the girls bathroom is out of order & she really needs to use the bathroom. Before jaune could say no to her she takes the bathroom anyway.

Ruby: poor jaune.

Blake: his not gonna make it.

Phyrra compliments jaune being a nice person. Jaune is trying to hold in his bladder really hard, Phyrra still thinks his doing a fighting technique. Then Nora was done but sun game in, gave him a compliment & took the bathroom.

Weiss: well jaunes doomed.

Jaune concentrated real hard to hold it in. maybe he shouldn't be standing in front of the door. Sun opens the door hard hitting jaune on the wall. He just needed to wash his hands. Phyrra asks jaune if he was alright & if he still needs to use the restroom. Jaune no longer needs to use the restroom.

Yang (laughing hard): he peed his pants!

Phyrra asks jaune to teach her those fighting moves. Jaune can do that but he needs to do the laundry. Aka wash his soiled pants.

Weiss: is chibi Phyrra clueless?

Jing: a little.

In the school courtyard Nora screams for ren to help her. She's about to be attacked by a beowolf.

Ruby: wait a minute, Nora can take that thing down easy. If its 1 beowolf it's not a problem.

Jing (sighs sadly): just keep watching.

Then sun kicks the Grimm hard. He asks her if she's ok, Nora is fine but she's looking for ren. Sadly its only sun & Nora was disappointed.

Weiss: wait is this the whole damsel in distress plan to have a boy fall in love with you?

Jing: yes, Nora is getting Grimm to attack her so ren can save her.

Blake: that's both suicidal & stupid.

Nora tries again but the beowolf is just standing there. Nora cries for a hero to save her. Which yang comply punching the poor Grimm.

Ruby: um, why isn't the Grimm attacking anyone?

Jing: Grimm in that world are a little smarter. They can only fight if there's negative emotions but Nora is faking it all.

Nora is not happy yang saved her. Yang calls her weird.

Yang: nope she's crazy.

Jing: agreed.

Nora now has a fleeing beowolf. Poor guy she wants to be in danger but it looks like the other way round. She's trying to say she's in danger but it's clear to see who really needs saving.

Weiss: she's desperate.

Blake: I almost feel sorry for the Grimm.

ren comes in. Nora tells ren she's fighting for her life but ren sees she's got this under control & she's amazing before walking away. Nora is shock that ren left her to fend for herself, it's quite obvious ren knows she can take 1 Grimm herself. But Nora just remembered ren called her amazing. She let go of the beowolf & hug it so tight something broke.

Everyone face palms.

Now it's the junior detectives Neptune & sun. The boys are bored, they haven't caught any criminals. Neptune suggest they lost their edge. Sun has an idea & so does Neptune. They both blurt out their idea. Sun says upgrades but Neptune says musical...

Ruby: how does a musical help the law?

So both boys went to the police surplus shop & bought weapons & handcuffs from Mr. Wong. They went to the army surplus & bought military defenses from the same man. Lastly, they bought police bikes & spent a lot of lein on them.

Yang: how much money do they have?

Jing: I think they spent from their life savings.

But the boys bought so much upgrades they can barely walk or move. Then mercury & emerald stole their bikes. The boys gave chase but the upgrades are slowing them down.

Weiss: idiots.

Ruby: wait why did mercury & emerald stole their bikes?

Jing: well emerald's a thief & mercury is an assassin. I'll tell you more when you see cinder.

 I'll tell you more when you see cinder

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