Chapter 1

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I was running through the forest, I could here them catching up to me. I was almost back to my little cottage in the forest by a little stream, when I came to a sudden hault.

There they were standing in front of my home staring at me like I made the crime of the century. But the only thing I did was take a loaf of bread because I couldn't afford to buy it.

As i'm knocked back into reality I noticed they started to move towards me, when they did my grip on my boe tightened. On the outside I seemed calm and ready but in the inside i was a mess.

My little brother was inside waiting for me to return with dinner.

As I took notice... I didn't see Gage. Anywhere. Then i see him up in the tree watching me with fearful eyes, as he was saying 'just give it back it isn't worth it'.

And before i knew it one of the oddly over sized wolf lunges at me with full force. But before it can touch me I sidestep it and draw my arrow back and point it right at what seems to be the beta.

"Make another move like that and its the end for your precious beta."

As soon as i said that a low growl came from behind me . And at that moment I knew that I was done for. As i looked up back at the one person that i would gladly take my own life for,I turned around to look at the alpha in the eyes and as soon as i did that the growling stopped and i looked in his eyes and

I turned back around and mouthed the word 'run'. And at that very moment Gage sprang from the tree he was perched on and we were off. Running from our problems,running away from the past,running away from our only place we knew....

As soon as we took off they were after us. But I heard a heartbroken howl come from the clearing. And for some odd reason it hurt to listen to it.

Finally i catch up with Gage and grab him and put him on my back , so he wouldn't slow us down. Before we crossed the state border I was hit with a force strong enough to knock the wind out of me.

Right before I hit the ground I turn so Gages head is in my neck and his body is in front of mine so he wouldn't get hurt. When I hit the ground the force made my vision turn black for a second.

After I realize a small body wasn't against me anymore.

And I sprung up and started to look for him, but I noticed they were here, standing around me, but the one thing I noticed right away is that one of them have my baby brother.

After I saw that my big sister instincts kicked in and I completely lost it after that.

¨I highly suggest you give him back or this won't end well for you¨. With venom laced in my voice

After I said this I could see the fear on their faces, but the one face I didn't want to see that look on was Gages, and that exact look was on his face.

As i'm about to attack, there alpha comes out of the trees and starts towards me. And that moment I knew that if we didn't get out of here we'd be taken in and probably killed for the 'crime' I committed.

I did something i'd probably regret later but it was a good idea at the moment. I run towards Gage I yank him from the beta and we were off again.

But before we got to the tree line we were tackled. Again. And this time there was no getting away.

The names Shay Winters and im a hunter in the supernatural world. My little brother Gage is a hunter in training. The little shit is my life i would gladly give my life to save his.

Since im a hunter me and brother travel the world. Alphas around the world call me to get rid of the rogues that threaten there land. But the only down side is that the most powerful alpha thinks im a cold blooded killer. But that's not the case.

Yeah maybe I was trained by Satan himself but that doesn't make me a cold blooded killer. And yes he may have given me wolf thats part demon, but its only for help i swear.

So here i am now being dragged back to a pack, even though the guys are in human form they look like gods, but it still sucks. As i look up at the beta he seems like hes getting irritated with me, hah.

"You know i can walk right?" I say with so much sas i surprise myself.

"Yeah but you'll run and I'll have to deal with the alpha" he stated matter of factly.

"How bout this you shift and i get on your back so you dont have to worry"

He looked like he was arguing with himself, huh must be with his wolf. Oh well.

"Hey mutt where is the alpha anyways?" I look around and notice the fluffy mutt was nowhere to be seen.

"Hes on his way here now" he smirked like the cocky son of a bitch he is.

"Man im sorry for your mate,it must be hell for her." Now that pissed him off. Whoops.

If looks could kill id already be six feet under.I look for Gage and see him actually having fun with the mutts. His life would be better with a family as close as a pack, but hes all i have left.

"HEY!!" The unknown betas name yelled

"What!" I snapped

"Alphas almost here get up" i get up slowly and grabbed Gage and whispered in his ear

"When the mutt arrives get on my back and we make a run for it okay?"

"Okay, but Wont we get caught agin?"

"Shh" i saw the hurt in his eyes but it was for the best.

I heard a twig snap to my left and i out my hood up so the alpha couldnt see my face, "ready?" I ask "yeah" he reasponds with a shaky breath. 'Now' he jumps on my back and i take a quick glace at the alpha and its like time stood still, he shifted and we stared at each other as if we were mates, but thats impossible a werewolf cant be mated with assassin,its unheard of.

Alrighty people this is my first story

Sorry for all the misspellings whoops

Ummm i hopes you like the story

Picture of Shays and Gages home on the side^^

Like and comment thanks guys

I'll update soon bye

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