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Ayse moved back to the Yiğiter's house. Kerem and her had agreed to give their relationship a chance again. But, she'll admit things just weren't the same anymore. They were walking on eggshells around each other. Either talking about completely meaningless things or not talking at all. Their movements became almost mechanical. Going to the company, trying but not getting any work done and coming back after another day spent in complete silence. The calm before an ugly storm. Everyone was just counting the days until one of them would snap.

She felt miserable. Being so close to him, yet so far. The first couple of days were easy, she spent her time moving her stuff back to their - no, his room. It was his room now since he removed every trace of hers, everything that could've reminded him of them was gone. She tried her best to ignore what it meant.
She became more and more restless as days went by and he didn't say a word. Her heart would leap with hope every night that he'll at least say something about wanting his bed back and they would playfully argue like they used to before but he would just wordlessly take his pillow & blanket and move to the couch. She hated that couch fiercely in those moments. Out of desperation, she even hid the blanket so he would at least talk to her about this but he barely spared it a second thought.

'Like our relationship' - she thought bitterly one day but shook her head to dismiss it immediately.

She knew it in her soul he meant it when he said he loves her but this strain in their relation was feeding her insecurities. What if he was tired of her? What if he didn't find excitement in the small things with her anymore? What if every day instead of being an adventure was just something he was just putting up with now? What if her love wasn't enough for him now? Earlier she would've dismissed them as ridiculous but now... Along with his words from court played on a loop in her mind threatening her sanity.

The next morning, she plugged in her earphones to take a break from everything for a while and went for a run. She felt a lot better by the time she returned. She had a plan. Kerem won't be leaving without talking to her this time.

Decision made, she stepped into the bathroom with her earphones still on so she couldn't hear the sound of the shower running. She started removing her jacket when Kerem stepped out from the shower hearing the noise. Needless to say he was shocked to see her there but quickly realized she wasn't aware of his presence. He took this moment to just look at her. It went without saying he missed her terribly. It physically pained him to stay away from her, not talk to her, not run to her side when he could hear her muffled sobs at night but it was necessary. He wanted her to initiate this time, so he avoided being close to her. He knew the moment he would lay his eyes on her, the moment he'll get close enough to bury his head in her neck, smell her, his resolve would break and they won't get anywhere.

But seeing her there, it had been far too long since they were in such close proximity and he couldn't tear his eyes off of her form.

The steam from the shower quickly filled the room which made Ayşe look up. Her eyes met Kerem's in the mirror in front of her and time stopped for both of them.

Water was dripping off his wet hair and her eyes trailed a droplet down his shoulders, to his bare chest until it went lower and disappeared.. Her eyes locked with his again. A beat passed. And another. He took a step forward, his eyes never leaving hers in the mirror until he was standing just behind her without touching her.

She was hyper aware of his presence and stopped breathing. A few of the droplets fell on her bare shoulder making her jump slightly. Kerem leaned in, still careful not to touch her, his beard just grazing her skin. She closed her eyes and leaned back unconsciously. Her back against his front. She could feel his heat through her now almost wet camisole. He gently turned her around, her back against the sink and moved even closer to her. She opened her eyes looking straight at his dilated ones and could feel herself losing control fast. Her mind was as foggy as this room and all she could see, hear, feel was Kerem. Her entire body was screaming at her to get closer to him.

He trapped her body with his hands on either side of the sink and bent down to leave barely-there feather kisses on her shoulder. He raised his head, looked deep into her eyes and pulled the earphones away from her slowly. Even this simple act of his and those almost touches were driving her crazy and something inside her broke. She threaded her fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck and pulled him towards a kiss. Kerem stilled for a moment but Ayse was relentless. He gave up what little control he had and groaned as he clutched her waist to pull her up against him.

They both poured the frustration of the past few days in that kiss, holding on to each other fiercely as they devoured each other. They broke off kissing and caught their breath, arms around each other and foreheads together. Ayse's hands were on his neck, her eyes downcast. Her chest heaving. She shook her head a little, turning against Kerem's. He raised his hands and cupped her face, lifting it to make her look at him. No words were exchanged. Yet they seemed to convey everything words weren't able to. She was looking deep into his eyes; his thumb was stroking her cheek.

He pulled her hard against him and kissed her again, a deep and forceful kiss that she fell into immediately, melting against him. Her body language telegraphed her attraction to him and her comfort with his body. Her hands were everywhere, in his hair, against his neck and around his shoulders. Pulling him closer and closer and when a breathless moan escapes her lips he pins her even harder against the sink behind her. Every sane thought gone from his mind. She's not sure who pulls away first. They're both trembling, panting for air. Her lips red and swollen, begging to be kissed again. Her dark eyes glistening, full of longing and need and all she wants to do is lose herself completely...

In a fleeting moment of clarity, he makes an attempt to step back, but he finds himself trapped in her gaze. His hands still tangled between the dark strands of her hair. Her hands clutching his shoulders. The only thing between them is her now wet clothes and a redundant towel around Kerem's waist.
He knows he should let go, should get himself under control and out of this steamy mess he's just gotten himself into. But there's not much he can do to hide the obvious effect her closeness has to his body. The fact that he enjoys this far too much.

And the truth is she has no intention to move away either.

Not really.

He reluctantly pulls away and moves to her neck in a feeble attempt to gather his thoughts. She leaves out a quiet sigh as his beard lightly tickles her skin. He can't stop himself from touching her, his hands finding a way down her back. His fingertips drawing circles on her skin. He looks at her trying to read her reaction, looking for any signs of regret but finding only relief and love in her gaze. Ayse seeing Kerem nervous about her reaction surprises him with another kiss. Her lips find his again, her tongue dancing with hus and he holds her so close it hurts and yet it's not nearly close enough.

They shattered together, with one last movement, one last kiss that screamed - hope, contentment and determination that they won't give up on each other no matter what.

They're both aware of this quiet realization. Kerem finally steps away from her and sees her disheveled look.

'If I knew me shutting up my mouth would make you do this, I would have shut up a long time ago'. He winked at her, smirking cheekily.
Ayşe was too far gone to make a sarcastic retort. Her 'Yapmaa Kerem' made him chuckle as he closed the door leaving Ayşe a mess with her thoughts.
'The next time won't be so easy Kerem' - she mused to herself as she thought about her plan to make him talk...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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